Health care Providers may volunteer to be accredited by an external body. The Centers of Medicare and Medicaid provide an updated list of approved accrediting organizations. For this discussion, we are focusing on the acute care hospital. Below are fourteen of the categories in The Joint Commission Standards Manual and accreditation process topics. The topics for this discussion are assigned by students’ last names. See the chart below for your assigned topic.
Nursing (NR) Student last name begins with M
For your assigned topic, you will need to access The Joint Commission Standards Manual and The Joint Commission’s publication The Source. To access this information follow the steps below:
From the homepage of the Ashford University library, click on Find Articles & More in the purple bar near the top of the page. Next, take the following steps:
• Click on Databases by Subject
• Click on Health & Medicine
• Click on Joint Commission E-dition for the Standards manual
• Click on Joint Commission The Source
• Select two journal articles from The Source that were published within the past 3 years pertaining to your assigned topic.
• Identify and summarize the two articles chosen. Your reponse should reflect the standard, how it is utilized and why it is important in health care, any best practice mentioned, summary of any forms or template shared and any other information that surprised you.
Initial Post: Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. In addition to the textbook, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your points. Cite and reference your sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Guided Response: After reading your fellow classmates’ posts, provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers by Day 7. Relate how your major or selected department would address the requirements of another student’s standard or process. Your follow-up posts should be a minimum of five well-developed sentences.
The Joint Commission – Quality Check. (
This is the textbook: Moin, T., Scales, C., & Sinay, T. (2014). Principles of healthcare quality management: Tools and applications.San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
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