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Introduction Paragraph

n 110852, you selected your topic and in 110859, you developed a thesis statement for your essay. Now you will write your introduction.

Use your opening paragraph to introduce your topic. Your opening paragraph (introduction) is crucial because it will end with your thesis statement. It will include other information that will gain your reader’s interest and guide your reader through the paper.

To get the reader’s interest, you can use one of these attention-grabbing techniques at the start of the introductory paragraph:

An interesting story or anecdote
A controversial question
A startling fact or statistic
A quotation
A little-known fact, myth, or misconception
Questions arising from your thesis that you want to answer
Write the introductory paragraph for your essay. Be sure to:

Begin with an attention-grabbing technique
Provide any necessary background information
End with the thesis statement
Use proper grammar and spelling

Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Used an interesting beginning to catch the reader’s attention.
24 Points
Included relevant background information to introduce the topic.
24 Points
Introduction is six to eight sentences long.
12 Points
Ended with thesis statement that encapsulates main point.
24 Points
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
16 Points
Total: 100 Points

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