Using the country of France, complete the following:
Conduct some research to determine the current state of the macro-environmental influences that might impact the ability of business in that nation. Consider items such as transportation systems, cultural differences (between the US & France), availability of trained workforces, pollutants, political upheaval, rule of law (or lack thereof), terrain, availability of Internet and other communication technologies, security of data and information, perspectives on contracts, labor relations, work hours, etc.
Ensure that you have sufficiently uncovered enough of a picture of what it would be like to conduct business within that nation as possible.
Usie this research to create a table in MS Word hat includes the current state of the following areas of influence:
Only use web-accessible links as your sources & include these at the end- Do not use anything in print or audio! Â Plagarism of any sort will not be accepted.
I have included a Word document with a few tidbits and links for information on International Business for you to use as needed.
Please let me know ASAP if you have trouble with this assignment. Depending on how well this is completed, I may offer the teacher the continuation of this project (4-5 more assignments!)
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