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Industrial organization paper

Choose a job position that you are interested in obtaining, and keep it in mind throughout this assignment. In addressing the below topics, cite the online course, the textbook, and other credible sources to substantiate the points you are making.  Apply the principles learned in this course to demonstrate how I/O psychology benefits both employees and organizations.

In an introduction, clearly state and briefly describe the position you are using as an example. Include a conclusion in your paper that sums up the challenges that an I/O psychologist would face in designing and implementing this position. Format your paper in APA (6th edition) style.  Your paper should be between 4 and 5 pages in length. You should spend roughly ½ page on each of the criteria below.

As an I/O psychologist hired to develop your selected sample job for a specific agency:

  1. Describe two job analysis methods would you use and tell why you would use them. How would these methods benefit both the employee and the employer?
  2. Explain how you would avoid making a subjective hiring decision in filling this position?
  3. Detail how you would ensure that you were using employee selection methods that were both reliable and valid.
  4. Explain how you would conduct effective hiring interviews for this position. How do objective, valid, and reliable employee selection methods benefit employees and employers?
  5. Once hired, how would you evaluate an employee in this position? Which method or rating employee performance would you use and why?
  6. Discuss the key issues and problems that should be considered in implementing a good employee-training program for this position. Compare and contrast on-site and off-site training methods for this position, including examples of each.  Recommend training methods for this position.
  7. Choose two distinct theories of motivation and explain how they would apply to an employee in this position. How could the employer help to keep this employee motivated?
  8. Draw conclusions regarding the challenges that an I/O psychologist would face when designing and implementing this position. What would be the greatest challenges to meeting the needs of the employee? Of the employer?

In addition to citing the online course and the text, you are also required to cite a minimum of two scholarly sources.  Please see the Library and Tutoring Services section under Course Home to use Argosy University online library resources to find appropriate scholarly sources. Additional, non-scholarly sources from reputable Web and print sources are also acceptable. For reputable Web sources, look for .org, .net, or .edu sites as opposed to .com sites. Avoid Wikipedia.

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