Imagine that you opened a restaurant. Based on what you have learned in this unit, would you prefer to keep your accounting records on the cash basis or the accrual basis? As part of your response, explain how and why you selected one basis over the other.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
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- To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that addresses the following: When was GASB Statement No. 56 initiated? In your own words, what is the essence of the new ruling? Why did the GASB probably deem it as being necessary? How might GASB Statement No. 56 change the activities of any accountant performing governmental accounting? Create journal entries for all of the following situations. On 10/1/2010, a for-profit Company A provides $100,000 of service to Company B. Company B plans to pay their bill 90 days later. Create the journal entry when the service is provided. Create the journal entry when the cash is received. On 12/1/2010, the city’s recreation department receives a government grant of $100,000 specifically to use for next year’s park upgrades, which will begin on 1/1/2011. Create the journal entry made when the cash is received. Create the journal entry to be made on 1/1/2011. A for-profit retail store buys $200,000 of inventory on 9/1/2010. Create the proper journal entry to show purchase of this inventory. A local city park buys $200,000 of food merchandise for later resale. It uses the purchase method to account for inventory. Create the proper journal entry for when this purchase is made. A nonprofit organization receives a $250,000 donation on 12/1/2011, but the donor specifically wants it spent in 2012. Create the journal entry or entries to show the proper recording of revenue (this may require more than on journal entry). Create the subsequent journal entry to show spending of the funds.
- To make sure you are up to date on the special guidelines the GASB has declared, your manager asked you to research GASB Statement No. 56. He also asked you to show him, side by side, how government accounting journal entries might differ from for-profit journal entries in these similar events. Write 500–750 words that addresses the following: When was GASB Statement No. 56 initiated? In your own words, what is the essence of the new ruling? Why did the GASB probably deem it as being necessary? How might GASB Statement No. 56 change the activities of any accountant performing governmental accounting? Create journal entries for all of the following situations. On 10/1/2010, a for-profit Company A provides $100,000 of service to Company B. Company B plans to pay their bill 90 days later. Create the journal entry when the service is provided. Create the journal entry when the cash is received. On 12/1/2010, the city's recreation department receives a government grant of $100,000 specifically to use for next year's park upgrades, which will begin on 1/1/2011. Create the journal entry made when the cash is received. Create the journal entry to be made on 1/1/2011. A for-profit retail store buys $200,000 of inventory on 9/1/2010. Create the proper journal entry to show purchase of this inventory. A local city park buys $200,000 of food merchandise for later resale. It uses the purchase method to account for inventory. Create the proper journal entry for when this purchase is made. A nonprofit organization receives a $250,000 donation on 12/1/2011, but the donor specifically wants it spent in 2012. Create the journal entry or entries to show the proper recording of revenue (this may require more than on journal entry). Create the subsequent journal entry to show spending of the funds.
- Think about the different types of financial statements you learned about in this unit (the income statement, statement of retained earnings, balance sheets, and statements of cash flow). If you were an investor, would you place more emphasis on any one particular financial statement? Why, or why not?
- For this Discussion, you will investigate how another organization conducts assessments. Begin by finding out whatever you can through Web searching about your local or state health department’s approach to assessment and strategic planning. Find out also if there are initiatives at the state level to coordinate health assessments from the various communities in the state. If so, are there tools and forms available to do that? (See the Iowa state Web site as an example: Then locate and interview someone who has been involved in community health assessment and strategic planning at either a local or state level. To find a person to interview, contact your local health department. Depending on the size of the department, you may wish to ask to interview the director or else ask to be referred to someone who has participated in assessment and strategic planning. If you prefer, you could instead call your state health department; each state should have personnel who deal with coordinating strategic plans from individual counties, and one of these individuals might be a good person to interview. Your interview may be conducted over the phone or via e-mail, or in person if you prefer. (Note: You must transcribe or summarize your interview and post it.) Prepare your thoughts and questions carefully in advance so you can be succinct in your interview. In your interview, you should ask them questions along these lines, as well as any other questions you think are appropriate to the organization or individual you are working with: 1. How do you assess the needs of your community? How often do you conduct assessments? 2. What use did you make of the assessment data? Did you develop a strategic plan or something similar for your department and/or for the community? Please describe this plan. (For example, how detailed is it? Is it a long-range plan?) 3. What are your thoughts about the assessment process? How well is it working? What are specifc strengths of the process from your perspectives? Any barriers or difficulties to overcome? Then: # Identify the organization and title of the person you contacted (for privacy purposes, however, do not identify the name of the person you interviewed). # Summarize the findings of your interview, highlighting what you found most surprising or interesting regarding the challenges and benefits of the community health assessment process. Is there anything you would do differently or do you have suggestions for improvement? # Post a transcript or detailed summary of the interview as an attachment; this will allow other students who are interested to learn more about this organization’s assessment process.
- Your assignment is to write a 2-3 page essay in which you address the scenario below. Suppose that you have a house guest from another country. He is curious about the lifestyles that we tend to lead in the United States. He wants to know why there seems to be such a big problem with nutrition and lack of exercise. Explain to him why nutrition and exercise are important to the health of our society as a whole. Case assignment expectations: Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper. LENGTH: 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced. The following items will be assessed in particular: 1. Your ability to explain why lifestyle factors such as nutrition and exercise are important to the health of a society 2. Some in-text references to modular background readings (APA formatting preferred) Be sure that your opinion is justified with evidence from the literature. Try to use several scholarly references for each assignment. All references should be cited properly in the text of the paper as well as at the end. Please limit your response to 3 pages maximum. Assignments are due on the Monday after a module ends.
- Identify a crisis the organization that you chose for your SSP has faced in the past, a crisis that it is currently facing, or a crisis that a competitor in that industry has faced that your selected organization may face in the future. Post a 3–4 paragraph explanation of the crisis that you selected and a crisis management response recommendation. Include an analysis of the ethical implications of that recommendation. Reference at least one scholarly peer-reviewed resource in your recommendation.
- Discuss the operating and cash cycles and why it is important for a financial manager to have a good understanding of how cash and operating cycles impact business operations.
- Explain underlying accounting concepts, assumptions, and principles of accounting