Discussion paper
Order Description
Aim of assessment
This assessment provides the opportunity to identify, describe and critically discuss the effectiveness of nursing leadership in contemporary clinical practice settings, including the new graduate nursing setting.
Discussion Paper Topic:
Using current research literature, critically discuss the effectiveness of nurse leaders’ use of the five major conflict resolution/management strategies (i.e. compromising, collaboration, avoidance, competition, accommodation) in terms of evidenced patient, staff and organizational outcomes in a range of contemporary clinical practice contexts, including the new graduate practice context.
Student Directions:
Carefully read and understand the discussion paper topic, student directions and the Discussion Paper Marking Criteria and Standards Guide provided in this learning guide to assist you in the construction your discussion paper.
The work is to be structured as a formal essay, with a relevant introduction, body of work, and conclusion, with no headings or subheadings. The work is to be written at an acceptable academic level and scholarly style and in the third person. Note that use of pronouns is to be avoided.
Ensure you adequately and appropriately define and describe all major terms, including: nurse leaders, effectiveness, and each of the five major conflict resolution strategies. You may find it helpful to review the essential readings from Tutorial 3 as a starting point to help you develop your approach to this assignment task.
The NSW Health Department (2001, p. 23) has defined effectiveness as “the extent to which a treatment or intervention has achieved the desired outcome”. Therefore, the discussion should describe and critically discuss the evidence from current research studies regarding the extent to which nurse leaders use of conflict resolution strategies evidenced measurable and important improved outcomes for patients (such as higher levels of patient satisfaction), staff (such as less attrition, absenteeism, higher staff satisfaction) and for the organisation.
Adequately and appropriately use at least five (5) recent (i.e. from 2009) peer reviewed, research journal articles, (preferably from nursing management and leadership journals) to adequately support critical discussion points. In addition to these required 5 recent peer reviewed research journal articles, you may use, where appropriate and relevant, other high quality academic literature in the discussion paper. Please note that the quality of your critical discussion will depend largely on the appropriateness and quality of references and how well these are used to provide evidence and support for that discussion.
In the construction of your written work do not use non-academic literature. .
Marking criteria and standards:– Discussion Paper Criteria Mark High Distinction 4.5-5 Distinction 4 Credit 3.5 Pass 2.5 -3 Fail ≤ 2
Introduction /5 The Introduction includes an expertly constructed aim, and provides an exceptional, clear, comprehensive and concise overview of all major concepts and issues to be addressed in the body of the work. The Introduction includes a well-constructed aim, and provides a very good, clear, comprehensive and concise overview of all major concepts and issues to be addressed in the body of the work. The Introduction includes a clear aim, and provides a good, clear and concise overview of most major concepts and issues to be addressed in the body of the work. The Introduction states the aim of the essay, but it may not be clear or well-constructed.
The introduction provides an adequate, though limited, overview of some of the major concepts and issues to be addressed in the body of the work. The introduction is absent or inadequate. The introduction does not include an aim, and/or the overview of major concepts.
The issues to be addressed in the body of the work may be absent or poorly addressed.
Criteria Mark High Distinction 17 – 20 Distinction 15 – 16.5 Credit 13.5 – 14.5 Pass 10 – 12.5 Fail
≤ 9.5
Critically discusses the effectiveness of nurse leaders’ use of the 5 conflict resolution/management strategies, (in terms of evidenced patient, staff & organizational outcomes), in a range of contemporary clinical practice contexts, including the new graduate practice context. /20 Outstanding, clear, concise and expert identification and critical discussion of the effectiveness, (in terms of evidenced patient, staff & organizational outcomes), of nurse leaders’ use of all 5 major conflict resolution strategies in a wide range of contemporary clinical practice contexts, including the new graduate context.
Interesting, complex, original, cogent, excellent critical discussion related to criteria and topic, with expert use of a wide range of high quality, credible relevant sources which are drawn largely from the student’s own research to strongly support discussion points. Comprehensive, varied, clear, cogent and effective critical discussion of the effectiveness, (in terms of evidenced patient, staff & organizational outcomes), of nurse leaders’ use of all 5 major conflict resolution strategies in a wide range of contemporary clinical practice contexts, including the new graduate context.
Discussion points, evidence and arguments are cogently presented, and very well supported by a good range of current academic research and evidence-based literature, with a very good grasp of current knowledge related to topic evidenced. Good identification and critical discussion of the effectiveness, (in terms of evidenced patient, staff & organizational outcomes),of nurse leaders’ use of all 5 major conflict resolution strategies in a reasonable range of contemporary clinical practice contexts, including the new graduate context.
Discussion points, evidence and arguments are cogently presented, and well supported by current academic research and evidence-based literature, with a good grasp of current knowledge related to topic evidenced. Adequate identification and critical discussion of the importance, applicability and effectiveness, (in terms of evidenced patient, staff & organizational outcomes), of nurse leaders’ use of all 5 major conflict resolution strategies in a limited range of contemporary clinical practice contexts, including the new graduate context.
Some attempt at critical discussion noted, but arguments, evidence and discussion points may not be consistently and clearly presented throughout the work. Adequate support from current academic research literature, with limited grasp of current knowledge related to topic evidenced. Inadequate identification and critical discussion of effectiveness,(in terms of evidenced patient, staff & organizational outcomes), of nurse leaders’ use of all 5 major conflict resolution strategies.
Inadequate range of clinical practice contexts considered in the work.
Largely opining and/ or description, with little or no critical discussion or discussion noted. Poor or inadequate substantiation from current, research and evidence-based literature noted.
The work fails to adequately
Criteria Mark High Distinction 8.5 – 10 Distinction 7.5 – 8 Credit 6.5 – 7 Pass 5 – 6 Fail ≤ 4.5
Adequately and appropriately uses at least 5 current peer-reviewed, research journal articles to support critical discussion /10 Expert selection and use of a wide array of high quality, current, relevant, peer-reviewed research journal articles to support critical discussion. Information from supporting literature is excellently referenced, critically analysed and synthesised to provide excellent evidence and support for critical discussion throughout the work. Very good selection and use of an array of high quality, current, relevant, peer -reviewed research journal articles to support critical discussion. Information from supporting literature is very well referenced, critically analysed and utilized to provide very good support for critical discussion throughout the work Good selection and use of an array of high quality, current, relevant, peer -reviewed research journal articles to support critical discussion. Good support from supporting literature, which is well referenced and integrated to provide good support for most of the critical discussion in the work. Satisfactory, though minimal, quantity and quality of required supporting literature. At least 5 current peer reviewed, research journal articles used to support discussion of topic. Information from supporting literature is adequately and appropriately referenced to provide satisfactory support for critical discussion, though this may be not be clear or consistent throughout the work. The range/ quality/ number / currency of literature sources is inadequate, and/ or inappropriate to support the work. Less than 5 recent peer reviewed research journal articles used. Information from supporting literature is inadequately or inappropriately acknowledged or used to support the work.
Criteria Mark High Distinction 4.5-5 Distinction 4 Credit 3.5 Pass 2.5-3 Fail ≤ 2
Conclusion /5 Outstanding, clear, concise, conclusion, which includes original pertinent insights, and excellently draws upon all significant points raised in the discussion paper and draws these together in an expert manner. Provides a very good, clear, concise, organized conclusion, which succinctly and meaningfully summarizes all the main points raised in the discussion paper and draws these together in a very good manner. Provides a good, clear, concise, organized conclusion, which summarizes most of the main points raised in the discussion paper and draws these together in a good manner. Provides an adequate conclusion, with satisfactory support for preceding arguments and significant points in the discussion paper. Meets the minimum requirements for a satisfactory conclusion. The conclusion is unclear or absent.
The conclusion fails to satisfy the minimum requirements for a conclusion of an essay/discussion paper.
Inadequate provision of essential information such as a summary of main points raised in the discussion paper and a concluding sentence
Criteria Mark High Distinction 8.5 – 10 Distinction 7.5 – 8 Credit 6.5 – 7 Pass 5 – 6 Fail ≤ 4.5
Presentation and Referencing 10 Flawless referencing, with all references adequately and correctly given, both in text and in final reference list according to designated APA style. Very good referencing, with adequate and correct references given both in text and in final reference list according to designated APA style. Good referencing, with adequate and correct references given both in text and in final reference list according to designated APA Style.
Very few minor referencing style errors and following designated APA conventions both in text and in final reference list. Satisfactory, adequate referencing. There may be some minor referencing style errors, but following designated APA conventions both in text and in final reference list. Absent or unsatisfactory, incorrect or inadequate referencing. Incorrect referencing style used.
More than 10% of the work involves direct quotes. Unsatisfactory Turnitin Similarity Index.
Outstanding, publishable level of writing style and use of language evidenced. Excellent writing style and use of language. No errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or writing style Effective expression and writing style. Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, paragraph construction or spelling.
Publishable or outstanding level of clarity of expression and scholarly writing style, with no evidence of any discriminatory use of language noted in the work. Very good, concise, clear, academic writing style, with no ambiguity issues and no evidence of discriminatory language noted in the work. Clear concise clarity of expression and scholarly writing style, with no use of discriminatory language throughout.
Expert, coherent, logical organised sequencing. Very good, cogent, focused, structured sequencing with logically ordered flow of ideas. Concise and orderly Effective, structured sequencing with logically ordered flow of ideas. Adequate organisation and logical sequencing of material and major
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