Answer the following questions in a single, separate document and submit to your instructor. Answers should be 270-350 words long. All citations should be in APA format. Be sure to provide both in-text citations and full citations at the end of the answer in a Reference Section.
1. Humans are motivated in different ways, as discussed in Module 6. Activities that might seem like drudgery to one person might be regarded as very rewarding by another person. Several contexts are presented:
• Preparing for a final examination
• Doing laundry
• Shoveling snow
• Planting a garden
• Writing a report for work
• Evaluating an employee
• Asking for a raise at work
Choose three of the contexts and discuss the following:
• Expected outcome
• Possible incentives and the value of these incentives
• Goal level
• Temporal or delay discounting
• Preference reversal
2. For each statement below, decide whether it is motivated by sources that are intrinsic, extrinsic, a mixture of intrinsic and extrinsic, or whether you are unable to determine the source of motivation. For each statement, provide an explanation of 1–2 sentences for your selection.
• Curiosity is the driving force behind much of what I do.
• When I practice piano regularly, I improve my performance.
• I plan to break the Guinness Book record for the number of birthday cakes baked in an hour.
• I prefer working on projects with clearly specified procedures.
• I have to feel like I’m earning something for what I do.
• I love math and getting good grades in math.
• I enjoy playing on my tennis team.
3. Use the Excelsior College Library to locate a primary research article where the study question addresses the role of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. You should summarize the findings and address the following items:
• Describe the research question, including a brief summary of the background for the paper and a hypothesis statement. (If a clearly stated hypothesis is not evident, write and develop one that fits the study purpose.)
• Describe the research method, including participant demographics, control and experimental groups, incentives or reinforcers, and the analysis approach.
• Summarize the results and discuss the authors’ interpretation of the result.
• Clearly describe whether the results demonstrate an influence or impact of extrinsic motivators (such as rewards, praise, or payments) on intrinsic motives.
4. For each “person” in each scenario below, assess and discuss each situation for (a) possible intrinsic versus extrinsic motivators, (b) possible emotions that might be present in the scenario, and (c) the possible motivation for the behavior from an evolutionary perspective.
• Storeowner: A storeowner knowingly lies about the winning lottery numbers to a customer who has a winning lottery ticket. The store owner stealthily pockets the customer’s lottery ticket.
• Mother: Following an earthquake, a mother hurriedly writes a note and pins it to her baby’s clothing. The note declares her love for the child. She then places her body between her baby and the falling debris from the ceiling.
• Nurse: A nurse volunteers to travel to a flood and earthquake-prone place for 30 days to help with a recent disaster that has crippled that region of the world. She is receiving no compensation for the work and is leaving her spouse and two children behind.
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