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HN370-A- Social Problems throughout the World


You have covered many different social problems that occur here in the United States and throughout the world (domestic violence, homelessness, child abuse, addiction, etc.). For this assignment you will chose a social problem that is covered in your text, and find 2 websites that address that problem. One website should cover the problem here in the United States and one website should cover the problem globally. (USE ADOLECENT PREGNANCY)




Begin your paper with a brief summary of the social problems we’ve covered (VIOLENCE, ADDICTION, ABUSE, NEGLECT, FAMILY, POVERTY, MILITARY FAMILIES). Then provide a description of the social problem chosen for this assignment.




Next you will write a 1-2 paragraph summary about each website, totaling 3-4 COMPLETE paragraphs. Discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impacts the social problem you suggested. Be sure to include what influences that social problem in both countries.




What, if anything is being done about it and what do you think could be done differently?




Possible resources:





Requirements for this assignment paper:




You should create your assignment in MS Word. Be sure to use specific information from the text and web resources to support your answers. (APA formatting and citation must be used.)




The viewpoint and purpose of this assignment should be clearly established and sustained. The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.

Information regarding APA formatting and citation style APA formatting can be found in the Writing Center and should be reviewed thoroughly. Below is a link to the document:You may use the following reference: Crosson-Tower, Cynthia. Exploring Child Welfare: A Practice Perspective, Vitalsource for Kaplan University, 6th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2013. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.


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