Guidelines for manuscript
Topic selected must be approved by faculty advisor.
Maximum 15 pages – typed, double-spaced, not including abstract, title page and references
Text beyond 15 pages will not be read.
Manuscript must be Masters level material and its content must be relevant to disease prevention/health promotion and the role of the Advanced Practice RN.
Writing style must be clear and organized; syntax and grammar must be correct.
Future nursing research implications are expected to be explored.
Manuscript (including title page, abstract and body of the paper) and references MUST follow APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition format. Papers not in APA format will be rejected.
Outlines and Manuscripts must be submitted on time. (See semester schedule). Late submissions will be penalized. Due dates will be on each course syllabus.
Manuscript Requirements by Specialty Semester
Semester I: Submit
Topic for approval
• Informational, detailed outline of topic
The outline
• Creates and maintains structure of paper
• Guides a completed first draft
• Provides focus
• Includes relevant citations under outline headings/subheadings
• States intended audience
Bibliography of literature review on topic
• Provides a focal point for topic
• Provides overview of what has been written on topic
• Literature review MUST contain research-based evidence
• References should be within last 5 years, unless they contain topic seminal research.
Outline Tips:
Every manuscript should include:
Statement of problem
Gaps in the literature regarding the topic
What literature review will address
Review of literature
Description of studies
Synthesis of research
This is the “so” part of the manuscript
This is the “so what” part
Always include implications for practice, education, & research
Semester II: Submit
• First draft of manuscript & references in APA format
• Attach topical outline (from Semester I)
Semester III: Submit
• Revised manuscript & references from Semester II (with corrections & changes re: reviewer comments, updated literature review, etc).
• Draft manuscripts from Semester II will not be accepted. Revised manuscripts submitted this semester should contain changes & edits recommended during review process in Semester II
• Attach Semester II draft manuscripts with reviewer comments
• Attach topical outline (from Semester I)
Required Readings & References
American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). American Psychological Association: Washington, DC.
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