For this assignment, you will begin to research journal articles, Web resources, and other tools that address your chosen priorities.
Peruse professional organization and government Web sites for ideas, themes, and current information relating to systems, organizational, and nursing leadership with which to address your issues of priority for the course project. Links to organizations with information related to course topics are provided in the Resources for this assignment. To complete this assignment:
Assemble an APA-formatted annotated bibliography, which includes sources from 3–6 assigned readings from the course room as well as a minimum of 3–6 additional outside sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional organization or association Web sites. Describe how each of the selected sources will support your nursing leadership priorities. Ensure that your final paper contains a minimum of eight sources cited outside your assigned course room readings.
Purpose of the Literature Review
The literature review helps place your research in the context of what has already been done in the field. The literature review is a component of most scholarly writing. Dissertations include a chapter-long literature review, and research articles will include a literature review near the beginning of the article. Sometimes an entire article will be devoted to reviewing the literature.
Resources for your Literature Review
The literature review focuses on primary, peer-reviewed resources. Often starting with the seminal literature of the field, it mostly consists of research articles on the topic. Secondary sources are used sparingly, if at all.
In order to write a comprehensive literature review, you must search in multiple databases. No single source will have all of the primary resources you should consult. A comprehensive literature review should include searches in the following:
Multiple journal databases
Book databases
Sources outside the library
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