A 52-year-old African American male presents to an urgent care center complaining of urinary frequency and nocturia. The symptoms have been present for several months and have increased in frequency over the past week. He has been unable to sleep because of the need to urinate at least hourly all day and night. He does not have a primary care provider and has not seen a doctor in more than 10 years. His father died when he was a child in an automobile accident, and his mother is 79 years old and has hypertension. The patient has no siblings. His social history includes the following: banker by profession, divorced father of two grown children, non-smoker, and occasionally consumes alcohol on weekends only.
To prepare:
•Review Part 13 of the Buttaro et al. text in this week’s Learning Resources.
•Review the case study and reflect on the information provided about the patient.
•Think about the personal, medical, and family history you need to obtain from the patient in the case study. Reflect on what questions you might ask during an evaluation.
•Consider types of physical exams and diagnostics that might be appropriate for evaluation of the patient in the study.
•Reflect on a possible diagnosis for the patient.
•Review the Marroquin article in this week’s Learning Resources. If you suspect prostate cancer, consider whether or not you would recommend a biopsy.
•Think about potential treatment options for the patient.
Post 1 to 2 page discussion on a description of the history that you need to obtain from the patient in the case study. Include a list of questions that you might ask the patient. Then, describe types of physical exams and diagnostics that might be appropriate for evaluation of the patient. Finally, explain a possible diagnosis,If you suspect prostate cancer, consider whether or not you would recommend a biopsy, as well as potential treatment options for the patient based on this diagnosis.
•Buttaro, T. M., Trybulski, J., Polgar Bailey, P., & Sandberg-Cook, J. (2013). Primary care: A collaborative practice (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby
◦Part 13, “Evaluation and Management of Genitourinary Disorders” (pp. 723–793)
Part 14, “Evaluation and Management of Gynecologic Concerns” (pp. 794–886)
Marroquin, J. (2011). To screen or not to screen: Ongoing debate in the early detection of prostate cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(1), 97–98.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
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