ong>Healthcare associated infection
Investigation of a clinical governance and/or clinical practice improvement issue
Length: 1000-1200 words (PLUS a summary table)
You need to locate five (5) primary and/or secondary peer reviewed articles/studies related to the issue of Healthcare Associated Infection and summarise, analyse and critique the literature related to this issue. In order to pass this assignment, you must successfully address each of the criteria outlined in the Assignment 2 marking rubric.
Clinical Governance (CG)
Clinical governance can be described as “…a system of policies, processes and accountabilities directed at improving patient safety and the quality and effectiveness of patient care.”
(Kozier B and Erb, G, Fundamentals of Nursing, vol 2, 2012, page 595.)
The pillars of clinical governance include:
◾Clinical Performance and evaluation:
the use, monitoring, dissemination and evaluation of evidence-based clinical standards
◾Professional development and management:
supports and documents clinical development and the maintenance of professional standards
◾Clinical Risk:
concentrates on minimising risk and improving overall clinical safety
◾Consumer Value:
encourages clinical services to involve their communities in maintaining and improving current
performance and in planning for the future
(Department of Health, 2005 cited in Kozier B and Erb, G, Fundamentals of Nursing, vol 2, 2012, page 596.)
Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2010)
around 200,000 healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in Australian acute healthcare facilities each year.
Critical appraisal tools
The PDSA (acronym for Plan, Do, Study, Act) – also known as PDCA (Plan, Do Check, Act) – cycle helps you to:
◾develop a plan to test the change (Plan)
◾carry out the test (Do)
◾observe and learn from the consequences (Study/Check)
◾determine what modifications should be made to the test (Act)
PEPPA is an acronym for Participatory, Evidence-based, Patient-focused Process for Advanced practice nursing role development, implementation and evaluation. The PEPPA framework can help you identify, minimise and prevent the potential barriers for implementation and evaluation of advanced practice nursing roles (Carter et al 2010).
The PEPPA framework has nine steps:
◾steps one to six define models of care that may require an advanced practice nurse (APN) role; and plan and establish appropriate role structures
◾step seven introduces the APN role
◾steps eight and nine evaluate the short- and long-term implications of the new APN role and model of care.
(Other Resources)
Australian Commission on safety and quality in health care-Healthcare Associate Infection
Infection prevention and control- WHO, Patient Safety Curriculum Guide
Australian Guidelines for Prevention and Control of the Spread of Infection
SA Health- Governance for Safety and Quality in health service organisations
SA Health- Safety and quality
ACHSQ-National Safety Standards & Accreditation October, 2013
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