1. Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.: What is the problem and what is your goal in regards to Healthy People 2020? Why is your problem important in the setting or population that you are working with? Describe the population.
2. Analyzes and supports the significance of the specific prevention problem with research and data. Supports the importance and relevance of your problem with research (journal articles) or data (from sources such as CDC)
B. Relationship to Individual Advanced Role
1. Explain how the selected problem applies to advanced practice in the student’s role option. How does this apply to your role as an advanced role (for example as a family nurse practitioner). What specifically about the role DIRECTLY relates to this problem and will guide the health promotion program (you may want to include tenets of the roles of the specific advanced practice nurse role you are studying)
C. Critical Analysis of Relevant Literature
1. Critically analyze the current literature related to interventions that address the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities.
This is your review of literature. You need to have journal articles (research studies) that are relevant to your topic. These research articles need to guide your intervention. A review of literature provides an in-depth analysis of the research available on your topic addressing the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps of current research.
D. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Theoretical Framework-Health Belief Model from previous paper
1. Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem.
Describe the theory that you will be using for your problem and intervention. Note you must use academic sources to cite your theoretical framework (NOT nursingtheories.org/.com, etc)
2. Incorporate the theoretical model into the design of your Intervention Plan
Describe how the theoretical model applies to your intervention plan. Build bridges between your plan and the theory.
E. Intervention Plan
1.Design an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments
Build an intervention plan that is based on EVIDENCE (RESEARCH). This should be based on the research from your literature review. Describe your intervention in detail. Note: This is one of the hallmarks of your paper. Please follow the rubric closely.
2. Discuss alternative interventions that consider specific subsets of the population (underserved), for example: seniors, homebound individuals, disabled, homeless, uninsured, etc.
This has not been done in previous weeks and is quite self- explanatory. Make certain to cite evidence in your work.
F. Evaluation Plan
1. Design an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention
Describe the evaluation plan you developed? Does it consist of formative and summative methods? Why? Describe any validated instruments you will be using or if it was necessary to develop your own. What timeframes will you be conducting your evaluations? What methods will you be using to conduct your evaluation plan?
Identify potential barriers that may be encountered during the evaluation process
G. APA Style/Format
1.Free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations and references are written in correct APA Style.
REVIEW spelling, grammar, reference lists, and in text citations. Do not use first person; avoid “this” “that”.
1. Please must follow criteria “AG” ON PG 1I have highlighted the areas that should be used as APA headings in your paper and described areas corresponding to the rubric to help provide clarity. You will be using your previous papers as a basis for this assignment. Please incorporate suggested changes and carefully revise your papers for APA style, form, and citations.
2. PLEASE use informations from previous papers (week 1 assignment 2 through week 4 assignment 2)
3. I am living in state of Maryland please pick Baltimore co as population for this research paper. I also wrote a paper about Baltimore co health problem. I sent it to you as a reference.
4. Must state clearly the topic and objective (requirement and already approved by a teacher. See wk 1 a 3(week 1 assignment 3) for reference Topic: Arthritis and Objectives: AOCBC-2 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor, Nurse practitioner-diagnosed arthritis who experience a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint symptoms
Baseline: 39.4 percent of adults aged 18 years and older with doctor-diagnosed arthritis experienced a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint symptoms in 2008 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 35.5 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC/NCHS
Data: HP2020 data for this objective
Details about the methodology and measurement of this HP2020 objective
HP2010 data for this objective
5. For each week assignment please write one page for instructor comments, summary and base on graded criteria ( I also sent each week assignment question plus paper and graded) please write one page base on comments and graded paper. This research paper is con’t from week one through week 5. So I need one page for each week assignment (need to change whatever she comments about the paper or fix whatever is missing). So I need 17 pages total (4 pages for 4 weeks assignment and 13pages for this final research paper). For one page on each week assignment please read “GRADED FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT”
week 1 assignment 1:
Choosing Your Topic
Review the list of priority areas for health promotion and disease prevention in Healthy People 2020 (http://healthypeople.gov/2020/default.aspx). Next click on the “2020 Topics & Objectives” tab and select a topic for your health promotion proposal. Consider a topic area with a focus that you believe is critical to your role area (i.e., Nurse Practitioner,). Consult with your faculty member and seek approval prior to starting your paper.
Following approval of your selected topic, you will select a specific objective from Healthy People 2020. For instance, if your topic area was “Older Adults” you may choose the following objective in the “Older Adults” section (click on the objectives tab):
• OA–6: Increase the proportion of older adults with reduced physical or cognitive function who engage in light, moderate, or vigorous leisure-time physical activities.
Based on this objective you would develop a more specific evidence based intervention such as providing a workshop on exercise for your target population. Or if your topic area was “Adolescent Health”, you may want to focus and develop and intervention on the following objective in the “Adolescent Health” section”
• AH–1 Increase the proportion of adolescents who have had a wellness checkup in the past 12 months.
Gathering the Evidence
Besides the resources available in the topic areas of Healthy People 2020, visit Library and conduct a review of literature looking for nursing research related to health promotion and disease prevention in your selected topic area. Also visit reputable internet sources such as the CDC, NINR, AHRQ.
• Clearly describes the health promotion/disease prevention problem specific to the target population.
• Explain how the selected problem applies to advanced practice in the student’s role option.
• Critically analyze the current literature related to interventions that address the problem related to communities from nursing, the sciences, and humanities.
• Select an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical framework that applies to the problem.
• Design an intervention to address the problem in the selected population/setting using appropriate epidemiological, social, and environmental assessments.
• Design an evaluation plan to measure efficacy of the proposed intervention.
1. Topic: Arthritis
2. Objectives: AOCBC-2 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor, Nurse practitioner-diagnosed arthritis who experience a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint symptoms
Baseline: 39.4 percent of adults aged 18 years and older with doctor-diagnosed arthritis experienced a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint symptoms in 2008 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 35.5 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Source: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), CDC/NCHS
Data: HP2020 data for this objective
Details about the methodology and measurement of this HP2020 objective
HP2010 data for this objective
Created a plan to address the health promotion goal.
What is the plan? How is it related to the HP objective? This is not clearly identified in the paper. 5(10MAX)
Identified an appropriate goal from Healthy People.
The goal is identified (Arthritis) but an objective was not chosen. 7(10MAX)
Provided an explanation of the importance of the project relative to the students’ future advanced practice role.
Why is an APN, NP, etc. needed for this project? How does this project related to the role? This area was not addressed in the paper. 0(20MAX)
Identify resources to provide data and information for this project.
Areas for data and information for the project were not identified. 10
Followed APA guidelines I strongly recommend using the online writing center and online tutoring center for help with editing and assignments. I am also available to provide guidance. Editing is an important part of creating a scholarly paper. 5(10MAX)
Total: 27
Health is an imperative issue when it comes to human. A human life is solely dependent on its health. There exist several factors that determine one’s health. These factors range from physical abilities of mental states. Thus, it is quite necessary for health authorities to implement measures that would aid the public in terms of their health. Arthritis is a condition caused by inflammation of the joints.
Arthritis is a degenerative disorder. Thus, it is bound to disable the victim from performing activities that involve the joint. Patients are suffering from arthritis face several challenges that require to be dealt with by the health sector. This is why; doctors, scientist and other medical practitioners are on the road to a solution for this condition. The objective of this proposal is to investigate on the ways in which people both diagnosed and not diagnosed, could be helped in either preventing or controlling the condition. Hence, reducing the effects and preventing Arthritis is its main objective, (Gladman, & Chandran, 2009).
Importance of the Objective
A big proportion of the patients diagnosed with arthritis are limited in terms of performing various tasks due to physical inability. This is, as a result, of the degenerative factor of their condition. Consequently, it is imperative for patients to be encouraged to move their limbs and other body parts in order to fight the condition. Hence, it is quite imperative to ensure that those infected, are cared for as nursing practice requires. While, uninfected individuals, especially people facing a high risk of contracting arthritis are to be advised in ways to avoid the condition.
Proposed Action towards Those Infected
This exercise could be executed under the watch of health workers. Walking is an activity that involves almost all parts of the body (Willett, 2000). It is a simple activity that requires fewer resources and time. In addition, walking is believed to engage the human joints in a manner that one could control. Patients could be encouraged to walk often to reduce the effects of arthritis. Due to supervision purposes, patients can engage in therapy in which they are guided in the exercise that would help them. Thus, walking would be an appropriate action for patients diagnosed with arthritis to engage into (Clough, 2006).
Proposed Action towards Those Not Infected
As statistics state, the highest number of arthritis diagnose patients are suffering from diabetes, hypertension, high blood and asthma. These conditions are independent of each other but are connected in some way. Patients suffering from diabetes are claimed to face a high risk of contracting arthritis. It is the mandate of the health sectors to ensure the number of people infected with arthritis is minimized as much as possible. Hence, people with the above mentioned conditions are to be advised and protected from arthritis condition. The public could be advice eating habits so as to reduce sugar intake while at the same time encourages roughage based foods. The reason sugar intake is reduced because it is the primary type of nutrition element that is associated with most of the conditions. The next item to be tackled is the issue of exercising. Diabetes, hypertension, high blood and asthma patients are believed not to perform physical activities. This is due to the difficulties they face involving their conditions. Once they engage in activities that assist them in exercising, the risk of being diagnosed with arthritis reduces considerably (Margolis, Flynn, & Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 2002).
Sources of Data
Hospitals and health facilities, through health workers in the field, keep records on the conditions and behavior of patients in respect to health issues. Nurses in hospitals keep records on the patients that visit their facilities. Other medical practitioner such as dentists, psychologists, and psychiatrists poses records concerning their patients. These records, if centralized through the health authorities, could function as an efficient route in accessing the patients and the public. Hence, data from all medical practitioners will be used for the purpose of this project.
Arthritis is proven to be a dangerous condition that disables the movement of the body parts by attacking bones. Bones are the fundamental source of strength and stability of the human body. Hence, it is imperative to protect and control arthritis. Since it is known to attack the joints, exercises and therapy stand a potential of controlling the state. Hence, patients would be advised appropriately. For those individuals who have not been diagnosed with arthritis, a method of preventing them from getting into the condition is necessary. Thus, they are to control their eating habits, perform physical activities and regularly ask for advice from health workers on not only to prevent arthritis, but also to stay healthy and fit (Koopman, 2001).
Clough, J. D. (2006). Arthritis. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Clinic Press.
Gladman, D. D., & Chandran, V. (2009). Psoriatic arthritis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Koopman, W. J. (2001). Arthritis and allied conditions: A textbook of Rheumatology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Margolis, S., Flynn, J. A., & Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. (2002). Arthritis. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
Willett, E. (2000). Arthritis. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers.
week 2 assignment 2
Week 2 assignment instructions
Grading Criteria
Provide a comprehensive review of literature ( this will be your Sub Heading in Pink) and data sources relevant to the question.
What this means:
• Minimum of 7 PEER REVIEWED Journal Articles included into the Review of the Literature the articles should be within the last 5 years.
• Peer Reviewed Journal Articles come from Journals, and you will have to get the information from South University Online Library.
• So, this means you should have 7 articles about your topic focus .
• You will write a paragraph summary for each article. = 7 paragraphs (20 POINTS MAX)
Provide evidence of synthesis and analysis of the literature. THIS WILL BE YOUR 2ND SUBHEADING IN THE PAPER
What this means:
You will write a two paragraphs summary of the analysis of all the literature ( articles ). The strengths/weakenesses/gaps/limiations of the literature
Create an overview of a theoretical framework (THIS WILL BE THE 3RD SUBHEADING IN THE PAPER) to frame
the project.
1. You may pick one of the Theories listed below under the yellow headings (or you may use another).
2. Develop a Framework for your project topic based on the Theory or Model.
Individual Models to Promote Health Behavior
• The Health Belief Model
• Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior
• Self-Efficacy and Social Cognitive Theory
• The Health Promotion Model
• Transtheorectical Model
Community Models to Promote Health
• Social Ecological Model
• Social Capital Theory
• Diffusion of Innovations Model
This will be about 2 paragraphs (10PTS MAX)
Review of the literature leads to at least one potential intervention. (THIS WILL BE THE 4TH SUBHEADING IN THE PAPER)
1. You will decide based on your analysis of your Literature Review 1 intervention for your topic project.
2. Example: Whatever my topic focus is , from my literature I will review my analysis and decide on 1 intervention for this project.
3. I might find from analysis of my Lit. Review , Education is the best intervention. Then that would be my 1 intervention that I will continue to grow into a major plan in next week.
This will be about 2 paragraphs (10POINTS MAX)
Followed APA guidelines (10 POINTS MAX)
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Provide a comprehensive review of literature and data sources relevant to the question.
The review of literature needs to describe the studies presented including the key tenets of each study. What the researchers did, found, and discovered. 9(20MAX)
Provide evidence of synthesis and analysis of the literature.
Analysis needs strengthened with data. 7(10MAX)
Create an overview of a theoretical framework to frame the project.
Theory is well presented. 10(10 MAX)
Review of the literature leads to at least one potential intervention.
Intervention is not based on review of literature. 5(10MAX)
Followed APA guidelines : comments throughout. Do not use annotated bibiolography. Include DOI, volume, page numbers. 4(10MAX)
Total: 35
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
The document focuses on the topic of arthritis where the objective (AOCBC-2) is to reduce the proportion of adults who have doctor-diagnosed arthritis and experience a limitation in activity due to the same or joint symptoms. HP2020 data from the National Health Survey has shown that 39.4% of adults aged 18 years and above and who have a doctor-diagnosed arthritis showed a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint pains. The objective targets 35.5% of the number diagnosed with a target setting of having a 10% improvement.
Literature Review
Brown, A. G., Hirsch, R., Laor, T., Francis, K. A., Hannon, M. J., & Kwoh, C. K. (2011). Patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in physician determined clinical remission have evidence of persistent inflammation revealed by 3T MRI. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 63 (10). Retrieved from http://www.embase.com/search/results?subaction=viewrecord&from=export&id=L70786 346nhttp://www.blackwellpublishing.com/acrmeeting/abstractindex.asp?l=B&MeetingI D=781nhttp://sfx.library.uu.nl/utrecht?sid=EMBASE&issn=00043591&id=doi:&atitle= Patients+with+juvenile+idiopathic+arthritis+and+rheumatoid+arthritis+in+physician+det ermined+clinical+remission+have+evidence+of+persistent+inflammation+revealed+by+ 3T+MRI&stitle=Arthritis+Care+Res.&title=Arthritis+and+Rheumatism&volume=63&is sue=10&spage=&epage=
This document is a report on a study done to show that there is subclinical inflammation of joints in individuals suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis, as well as those diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The document highlights the process of the study and the study group where Magnetic Resonance Imaging was utilized. The report concludes that there is a subclinical disease activity in patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis as well as those diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis that may result in joint destruction.
Canizares, M., & Badley, E. M. (2012). Comparison of health-related outcomes for arthritis, chronic joint symptoms, and sporadic joint symptoms: A population-based study. Arthritis Care and Research, 64 (11), 1708-1714.
The article is a study that examines the health outcomes and predictors in individuals with reported arthritis, sporadic joint symptoms and chronic joint symptoms among Canada community. The document contains the aspects of the study such as the target group and the analysis method -Poisson Regression method. The results from the report indicate a high number of individuals diagnosed with arthritis with the rate at 16%, while those diagnosed with Sporadic Joint Symptoms at 11.6%. The rate of those diagnosed with chronic joint symptoms is the lowest among the three at 10.1%. In the conclusion, the report shows that there are similarities in the outcome between arthritis and chronic joint symptoms with the latter having a big impact on the population. The report highlights the need to have management advice for those with arthritis.
Cheng, Y. J., Imperatore, G., Caspersen, C. J., Gregg, E. W., Albright, A. L., & Helmick, C. G. (2012). Prevalence of Diagnosed Arthritis and Arthritis-Attributable Activity Limitation Among Adults With and Without Diagnosed Diabetes: United States, 2008- 2010. Diabetes Care.
This article is a study that estimates the prevalence of individuals diagnosed with arthritis among adults in the U.S and the proportion of Arthritis-attributable activity Limitation in those who have and those who do not have diagnosed diabetes mellitus. The study aspects used in the research are highlighted in the document such as the methods used and the research design. The results of the study are stipulated in the document leading to the conclusion that close to half of the adults in the US diagnosed with diabetes mellitus are also diagnosed with arthritis. For those diagnosed with both diseases, more than half show arthritis attributed activity limitation. The research also concludes that arthritis acts as a barrier to physical activities in those adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.
Middleton, K. R., Ward, M. M., Haaz, S., Velummylum, S., Fike, A., Acevedo, A. T., Tataw- Ayuketah, G., et al. (2013). A pilot study of yoga as self-care for arthritis in minority communities. Health and quality of life outcomes, 11, 55. Retrieved from http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=3637098&tool=pmcentrez&r endertype=abstract
The document presents a study done to test the acceptability and feasibility of providing yoga to the minority population in the urban areas who suffer from arthritis as a means of controlling the adverse effects of the disease. The various aspects of the study are highlighted with sampling being used in this case. The study concludes that there must be inclusion and adoption of behaviors that improve quality of life in minority groups that should include the integration of both physical and mental health.
Nyrop, K. A., Charnock, B. L., Martin, K. R., Lias, J., Altpeter, M., & Callahan, L. F. (2011). Effect of a six-week walking program on work place activity limitations among adults with arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 63 (12), 1773-1776.
The article contains an exploratory evaluation carried out on the impact of an Arthritis Foundation program known as Walk With Ease (WWE) that focuses on activity limitations in the workplace carried in adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis. In the document, there are various aspects involved in the evaluation such as the methods used in the program that involved the use of Workplace Limitation Scales over a period of time, the demographics of the study and the overall results from the evaluation study. The document concludes that Walk With Ease is a brief, easy-to do, low cost community based walking program with immediate and sustained benefits to those afflicted with arthritis and to those who have challenges in their workplace as a result of the arthritis condition.
Scott, D. L., Wolfe, F., & Huizinga, T. W. J. (2010). Rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, 376 (9746), 1094-1108.
This article explains what Rheumatoid arthritis is with a description of the various aspects such as symptoms which include joint damage and disability, the causes such as genetics and smoking and the most affected group in this case the women and the elderly. The document also identifies one of the remedies for the condition-Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic drugs (DMARDS) that have effects such as reducing inflammation and improving functions.
Theis, K. A, Murphy, L., Hootman, J. M., & Wilkie, R. (2013). Social participation restriction among US adults with arthritis: a population-based study using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Arthritis care & research, 65 (7), 1059-69. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23401463
This is an article that examines the impact of arthritis among adults in the US with a focus on social participation restriction for those that are doctor-diagnosed with the condition. The report contains the various aspects of the study such as the methods used in this case analyzing data from the National Health Interview Survey. The document also clearly outlines the results of the analysis that lead to the conclusion that out of 9 adults suffering from arthritis, one of them is affected by the social participation restriction. The study establishes that pain, sleep and functional activities should be the priority areas for intervention in order to reduce the negative impacts associated with arthritis such as disability or social participation restriction.
Synthesis and Analysis of Literature
The articles reviewed in the document clearly elaborate and explain the topic and the objective of this document on individuals diagnosed with arthritis or joint symptoms. As shown, there are negative effects associated with such conditions, especially in carrying out day to day activities. The documents clearly show the root of the problem where most of the patients diagnosed with joint or arthritis suffer from inflamed joints that reduce the levels of activities as the inflammations are usually accompanied by pain. The other strength in the reviewed documents is that most of them are studies that have used empirical data that can be verified in order to show the extent of the problem at hand. The studies in the documents are also well structured with most of them being divided into elaborate parts such as the introduction, main body where the methods and results of the studies are tabulated and the conclusion.
Though most of the reviewed articles have managed to clearly show their purpose and have well-structured format, they do not have other supporting documents such as reviews from other articles that would have helped in case one needed more materials on the subject. As a result, the articles lack an in-depth look at all the areas related to arthritis. This means that for one carrying out a study on the same, they are required to search for more material elsewhere. The articles, especially the ones on studies lack a section on the strengths and weaknesses of the study thus it is hard for one reviewing the documents to come up with a conclusive answer on whether the studies were a successor or not.
Theoretical Framework-Health Belief Model
The health belief model is appropriate to use in the topic of this document where in this case it can be used to explain health related behaviors when it comes to arthritis. Beliefs, self-efficacy and perceived benefits of action and barriers to the action are some of the aspects under the health belief model that can be used to explain the engagement and the lack of it towards the promotion of healthy behaviors in individuals with doctor diagnosed arthritis (Badley & Ansari, 2010). Some of the theoretical constructs in the health belief model are useful in the understanding of the various aspects surrounding arthritis when it comes to individuals in the society. One of them is perceived severity. Many in the society have come to perceive arthritis as a serious condition, thus the society is now vigilant and aware of what to do and what not to do when one is diagnosed with the condition.
Perceived benefits are also a theoretical construct in the health belief model that can play a role in arthritis. Those who have been diagnosed with arthritis know and engage in health related behaviors such as regular exercise. Individuals who are yet to be diagnosed with the condition on the other hand know that restraining from such activities as smoking will keep them away from being diagnosed with arthritis thus advocate and practice non- smoking. Modifying variables is also another construct in the health belief model that can be applied in diagnosing arthritis cases. An example are the minority groups not being conscious of the benefits of exercise when it comes to arthritis, but their counterparts who are well-educated know of this fact thus infuse it in their life.
From the review of the articles it is clear that not many are aware of the action to take when they are diagnosed with arthritis. Many individuals in the society continue to suffer as they undertake their day to day activities. Activities such as attending jobs and accomplishing tasks related to the work place become hard for those diagnosed with the condition. Such scenarios emanate from pain experienced in affected areas such as joints and the lack of sleep due to pain. All this is controllable and manageable if the right information was to reach such individuals thus education is the most appropriate intervention (Badley & Ansari, 2010).
The best way of doing this is by coming up with a program that will involve participants in this case all stakeholders in the health sector, such as hospitals, doctors and patients who have been diagnosed with arthritis. The program should involve sessions where each group gets to be educated on the best ways of controlling and managing the condition such as through the introduction of exercise programs in hospitals where doctors ensure that they recommend such to patients they diagnose with arthritis. The education program should also involve ways of enlightening the society on the various aspects of the condition such as prevention and how to manage the condition.
Badley, E. M., & Ansari, H. (2010). Arthritis and arthritis-attributable activity limitations in the United States and Canada: A cross-border comparison.Arthritis Care and Research, 62(3), 308-315.
Brown, A. G., Hirsch, R., Laor, T., Francis, K. A., Hannon, M. J., & Kwoh, C. K. (2011). Patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in physician determined clinical remission have evidence of persistent inflammation revealed by 3T MRI. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 63(10). Retrieved from http://www.embase.com/search/results?subaction=viewrecord&from=export&id=L70786 346nhttp://www.blackwellpublishing.com/acrmeeting/abstractindex.asp?l=B&MeetingI D=781nhttp://sfx.library.uu.nl/utrecht?sid=EMBASE&issn=00043591&id=doi:&atitle= Patients+with+juvenile+idiopathic+arthritis+and+rheumatoid+arthritis+in+physician+det ermined+clinical+remission+have+evidence+of+persistent+inflammation+revealed+by+ 3T+MRI&stitle=Arthritis+Care+Res.&title=Arthritis+and+Rheumatism&volume=63&is sue=10&spage=&epage=
Canizares, M., & Badley, E. M. (2012). Comparison of health-related outcomes for arthritis, chronic joint symptoms, and sporadic joint symptoms: A population-based study. Arthritis Care and Research, 64(11), 1708-1714.
Cheng, Y. J., Imperatore, G., Caspersen, C. J., Gregg, E. W., Albright, A. L., & Helmick, C. G. (2012). Prevalence of Diagnosed Arthritis and Arthritis-Attributable Activity Limitation Among Adults With and Without Diagnosed Diabetes: United States, 2008- 2010. Diabetes Care.
Middleton, K. R., Ward, M. M., Haaz, S., Velummylum, S., Fike, A., Acevedo, A. T., Tataw- Ayuketah, G., et al. (2013). A pilot study of yoga as self-care for arthritis in minority communities. Health and quality of life outcomes, 11, 55. Retrieved from http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=3637098&tool=pmcentrez&r endertype=abstract
Nyrop, K. A., Charnock, B. L., Martin, K. R., Lias, J., Altpeter, M., & Callahan, L. F. (2011). Effect of a six-week walking program on work place activity limitations among adults with arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 63(12), 1773-1776.
Scott, D. L., Wolfe, F., & Huizinga, T. W. J. (2010). Rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet,376(9746), 1094-1108.
Theis, K. a, Murphy, L., Hootman, J. M., & Wilkie, R. (2013). Social participation restriction among US adults with arthritis: a population-based study using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Arthritis care & research, 65(7), 1059-69. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23401463
week 3 assignment 2:
This week, you will focus on articulating the health promotion theory believe best supports the changes needed to support the health promotion concept. As you synthesize this information, you will also identify a potential intervention which can be used to further explore the health promotion problem.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Health Belief Model
Health The health belief model is the most appropriate theory to use in this health promotion project on the reduction of proportion of adults with doctor diagnosed arthritis who experience a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint symptoms. The health belief model is a psychological-based health behavior change model that explains and predicts health-related behaviors, especially those that involve the uptake of health services.
This The HBM model is appropriate to use in this particular health promotion topic with arthritis as it consists of constructs that explain from a psychological perspective the reasons why humans behave in a certain manner towards health issues. For arthritis, there is no exception as there are various psychological aspects surrounding the diseases such as perceived severity, perceived benefits and modifying benefits such as minority groups (Middleton et al., 2013). The three aspects play a huge role in showing the perception of arthritis in the community and the actions taken if any towards elimination of the same and reasons for failure to do so.
Effective Control of Arthritis Through Education
Education is the best intervention to apply in order to achieve the objective which is to reduce the proportion of adults with doctor diagnosed arthritis who experience a limitation in activity due to the same or joint symptoms. As shown by Nyrop et al (2011), there are programs such as the Walk With Ease that are easy and low cost. The same have benefits to those affected by arthritis, for example, the working. The best way to bring to awareness of the existence of such programs and how to undertake them in the community is through education.
Education Plan
In order to effectively engage and pass information regarding arthritis to the stakeholders, educational meetings and seminars will be held. In the meetings, the best way to overcome the challenge in this case limitation in arthritis patients from performing their day to day duties will be highlighted. Exchange of ideas on the same will also take place in order to evaluate all the options.
Stakeholders are an important aspect in the intervention. In this case, all the stakeholders need to work together in harmony to achieve results. One of the groups that will be involved is patients diagnosed with arthritis who have limitations in carrying out daily activities due to the disease. The doctors are also part of the stakeholders where they will need to be educated on the steps to take when they diagnose patients with arthritis. This group will also give their view on the best methods to use in eliminating the problem. Hospital management of various health facilities around the community will also be involved as they will play a critical role in ensuring that success with the program is achieved.
Health facilities will act as the venue where the educational seminars and meetings will take place. This offers the best setting as all stakeholders will have no problem accessing these facilities with the proper coordination. Seminar coordinators will enhance interaction between diagnosed patients, hospital management and doctors. This setting is convenient as it guarantees that any necessary action and suggestion is immediately implemented.
How Education is Appropriate for Arthritis Control
Education is the appropriate intervention for tackling arthritis related problems. To those who have been diagnosed with the disease, the lack of taking initiative to minimize the effects of the condition is a huge problem. As highlighted by Canizares & Badley(2012) there is need to have management advice for those with arthritis which is only achievable through education.
Arthritis is a disease that is easy to control once people have the right information. Many of those who are diagnosed with this condition do not know the right steps to take to reduce the negative effects.This should not be the case with an educated community.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Summarize the literature review from Week 2, incorporating any changes suggested by the facilitator.
The literature review was not summarized as indicated in the weekly posting or rubric. 0(10MAX)
Define the health promotion theory identified last week and demonstrate its applicability to the health promotion project.
This was completed. See comments in text. 5(5MAX)
Select one intervention and provide a detailed rationale.
Intervention (education) was chosen. What is rationale for education? Is it based on evidence? 5(5MAX)
Create an in-depth plan for interventions including specifics concerning all activities, audience and setting.
The intervention needs much more description and needs to be based on evidence/research. 12(20MAX)
Summarize how the intervention is appropriate for the identified advanced practice role.
This was not completed. 0(10MAX)
Followed APA guidelines 10
Total: It is important that you closely follow the rubric guidelines and the weekly postings that I post outlining the paper requirements. 32
This week, you will create a plan to evaluate the intervention program. This evaluation should be developed to the point that someone else would be able to implement it.
Summary Intervention Plan
Arthritis is a medical condition indicated by inflammation of the joints, rigidity of the joints lasting for at minimum an hour in the morning and persistent or habitual discomfort or sensitivity in a joint. The patient may also experience trouble moving a joint routinely or heat and flush in a joint. Anyone undergoing these signs and symptoms should talk to their physician or healthcare practitioner. This project is aimed at working out an evaluation plan that can be implemented in order to reduce or eliminate the threat of arthritis to individuals across the globe.
The potential formative evaluation methods for this project will be first trial testing of the measuring instruments; it will be undertaken using 100 patients who depict characteristics similar to those of arthritis cases to establish the feasibility of the study. The pilot study will involve a preliminary survey with the 100 randomly selected patients from the five biggest hospitals in the target areas. This assessment will be overseen another time roughly a few weeks after the preliminary assessment that will determine the extent of the effects of arthritis in the state. The admittance to service enquiries will be responded to by conducting in-depth interviews and issuing questionnaires to both patients and healthcare providers.
However, a questionnaire will be the core primary data gathering instrument to be used in the data collection. It will cover both open-ended and close-ended interrogations. The reason for settling for a questionnaire is because it is stress-free to oversee paralleled to interviews.The questionnaire is designed entailing the goals of the research. Statistics will be then be gathered after investigating an exploration that will guarantee the significance of interview evidence. After the enquiry is thorough, data assembly on the ground will be completed by administering questions.
The questionnaires will be administered personally to the participants; personally overseeing questionnaires to contributors will found a relationship. The time of presenting the study, giving explanations pursued by the participants on the spot and while gathering the questionnaire after they are filled will be a good time to interact with them. The structured questionnaires will serve as means of conducting short interviews. The researcher will try to make certain that personal prejudices and sentiments will not interfere with the research and that all the opinions of the participants will be given equal consideration.
The summative evaluation methods will entail editing the questionnaires for comprehensiveness and dependability before processing. This will be done once the responses are received to support the uncovering of culpabilities and segregations that can hinder the exactitude of the data. The collected data will then be analyzed using descriptive statistics methods like frequencies, percentages or proportions and means. Descriptive statistics are more applicable because they are modest to follow and simpler to present conclusions to readers.
To further verify these findings, a hospital evaluation will steered with three of the five hospitals contributing to this program. The other two will also undertake a similar assessment preceding the program commencement. To define the outcome of the collective framework on the delivery of arthritis services by the hospitals, a qualitative appraisal will also be directed. It will be done with detailed interviews; a case study of each hospital selecting a number of healthcare practitioners and private doctors will be conducted. This evidence will be applied while designing possible intercessions to advance the services. In a determination to evaluate the efficiency of the trainings of this program, trainees will be censored and interviewed severally (Reynolds, 2007).
Evaluation Plan
This project will use the SPSS data analysis system in order to analyze project data and offer response to advance ongoing undertakings and to strategize for upcoming treatments. Regular meetings with the information providers will assist in getting ample information for the project to be used in the review procedure. The systematic arrangement of information distribution and communication with the hospital program staff will boost the capacity for observing and evaluation (Woodside, 2010).
The outcomes from the summative evaluation methods will then be outlined in charts and frequency distribution tables. These results will be matched to the findings conducted by NHIS (National Health Interview Survey), CDC or NCHS, which show that 39.4% of grownups aged 18 and above with established arthritis had a restraint in their activity because of arthritis or combined indications in the year 2008. The target population for this research was 35.5% and the target-setting system and it displayed a10% enhancement.
Distributing, checking and evaluating outcomes will support the usefulness of the evaluation plan and decrease dismissal that might befall if others are not conscious of the conclusions of preceding evaluation efforts. Additionally, disseminating outcomes will halt the damaging stereotype about evaluation plans which is that they are not envisioned to help progress projects.
Creswell, J. W. (2005). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative andqualitative research (2nd ed.) . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Reynolds, P. (2007). A primer in theory construction. Boston: Pearson Education.
Walliman, N. (2005). Your research project (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications.
Woodside, A. G. (2010). Case study research: Theory, methods, practice. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Summarize the intervention plan, incorporating any comments from the facilitator.
This is missing from the paper. 0 (20 MAX)
Discuss the potential formative and summative approaches to the evaluation. This needs to directly reflect back to your intervention. I am not sure how this does so. You have developed a clear intervention plan but I am not sure what it is for. You have not yet developed a health promotion program, or intervention so I am not sure what we are analyzing. 10 (20 MAX)
Provide the details of the evaluation plan, including tools, process and any data analysis.
The extant plan is well developed. 20
Followed APA guidelines 10
Total: 40 (60 MAX)
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