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health Problem of agent paper

  1. MAJOR REPORT/CLASS PRESENTATION: The student will select a paper OR an in class power point presentation offering an in-depth investigation of current journal research on one health topic featured in the text. 
  1. The presentation or paper must include; 3 professional journal sources of data comparison presented in APA format. The student must list, within their report: the evaluation methods utilized in each study briefly outline the construct of each study, report the results of each study and overall conclusions.  

Maximum grade: 25 points will be awarded for successful completion of this class presentation or paper. Points will be awarded for appropriate selection of professional journal articles, points will be awarded for a presentation of evaluation methods reflected in the articles,  points will be awarded for the outline of the study or studies reported in the three articles, points will be awarded for the student’s evaluation of the study or studies presented and overall conclusions reported. (Paper 3-5 pages, Power point slides 8-10).

Due Date: Classroom presentations will be scheduled for the week of;   March 28-30, 2016.  Papers will be due that same week March 28-30, 2016.


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