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Health problem of agent paper

  1. The student will create a one page health fact sheet.
  2. This fact sheet will identify and promote optimal health practices in a format that is easy to read, see and understand. The language should be presented for mass audience appeal with sensitivity related to the needs of the older adult. One example of sensitivity could be using large print.
  3. The topic can be any issue important to the student that is related to health and aging. Example:  Older adults and Smoking cessation:   The Health Fact Sheet should include: accurate health facts, medical intervention information, resources and strategies for improving health. List the sources of your information on the back or page 2 of the fact sheet.

Maximum grade: 10 points will be awarded at the successful completion of this assignment. Points will be awarded for accurate health information presented. Points will be awarded for sensitivity in presentation for the intended audience, including older adults.

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