John, a nurse with a considerable amount of previous experience in other care settings joins your care of the elderly department. He is allocated to your nursing team with you identified as his mentor during this 3 months probationary period. He is a very caring and considerate nurse who delivers a high standard of care to patients and quickly makes friends with all of the patients and staff.
John appears to be making good progress adjusting to the new care environment and appears to be settling in very well. It becomes clear to you as his mentor and other staff within the first 2 months that although he is able to give a very high standard of care to individual patients, when asked to look after a group of patients, he has difficulty in prioritising the patient care needs of the group. As a result often important patient interventions, for example, patient blood glucose monitoring and other essential patient assessments are often missed to the patient detriment.
Discuss how you would identify this problem with John and how you would assist him to overcome this difficulty in prioritising patient care needs and ensuring that all essential care needs of patient are provided in a safe and timely manner.
Aim of Assessment
Using the case study provided within which a student was assessed at the mid-term of a placement and found to be failing to meet their learning outcomes for the placement, an analysis will be undertaken, identifying where the student required assistance to meet their learning outcomes. Using the Gibbs (1998) reflective model the candidate will reflect on the scenario identifying strategies that can be adopted by the mentor/ preceptor can support the student and facilitate their achievement of their placement outcomes. In particular the assignment will:
i) Critically explore the teaching and learning strategies that could be employed in practice to assist the failing student to achieve their learning outcomes
ii) Describe how they would create/ maintain/ enhance the appropriate learning environment to enhance and support student learning
iii) Reflect on your own learning needs in relation to the identification and support of the failing student
The essay should have the following structure:
? An introduction, that ‘sets the scene for the essay’ for the reader. You should also identify your selected case study and provide a brief overview of the model of reflection including a brief discussion of the relevance of reflection in nursing practice. (approximately 100 words)
? A main section, (approximately 1800 words) which should be written in an academic style. Use of the first person is appropriate when writing about your personal experiences or perspective, whereas use of the third person is required when writing the literature review and in provision of theoretical perspectives.
Applying your model Section
? Stage 1 of model : Describe student case study
-Identify your thoughts and feelings from this case study
? Stage 2 of model : Explore the literature relating to issues raised in the case study and evaluate what was positive and negative in relation to the student experience
? Stage 3 of model: Analysis of case Study Consider the possible rationale for the events that occurred during the case study comparing these with the literature on learning, teaching and assessment and student support.
? Stage 4 of model: Reflect on what you have gained from this exploration of the experience applying your new knowledge. What else could have been done to support the student and ensure that they did not fail
? Stage 5 of model: Develop and action plan as to how this new learning can be integrated into your future practice as a mentor / preceptor should you encounter a similar situation with a student.
Assignment Conclusion
? A conclusion, (approximately 100 words) the function of which is to summarise the key points that you have raised within your essay and to indicate the possible implications of these for your future practice as a mentor/ preceptor.
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