The article should cover one of the following:
· Landform regions of Australia
· Climate and climate zones of Australia
· Biogeography or endemics of Australia (endemics are species of vegetation or animals that are unique to a given region)
· Current land disputes between Australia’s Aboriginal population and non-Aboriginals/European Settlers
· Natural hazards and disasters in Australia (e.g., Cyclone Tracy, wildfires, etc.)
· Earthquakes in New Zealand
· Relationship between New Zealanders and Maori with respect to culture
· Australian immigration issues
Then write a 1-2 page reflection paper describing that article using APA format (please visit the Academic Resource Center for a concise guide on APA format). Please write the reflection paper as if it were going to be the content for a traveler’s website (e.g., Trip Advisor). Be sure to explain why the LIRN article provides information that a traveler to the region would be interested in knowing before visiting. Please include the APA citation in your paper (list the citation first).
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