1. Most people often do not think of biology, genetics, and healthcare in relation to cross-cultural psychology. But some examples which relate to biology, genetics, and cultures are:
-Some genetic disorders are more common in specific cultural groups (Tay-Sachs in European Jews, Cleft lip in Japanese)
-In addition to socio-cultural factors, alcoholism rates are high in Native -American Indians because their blood has a high absorption rate.
-The Japanese culture has a high lifespan due to their diet and lifestyle factors.
-Death from stroke and heart disease is highest for African-Americans.
What other examples can you think of?
2. The chapter mentions internal and external locus of control. This theory was developed by Rotter. If we have an internal locus of control we feel that we have control over our lives and are responsible for our actions. If we have an external locus of control then we may feel we have no control over anything and are just at the fate of destiny. Research has shown that those that have an internal locus of control are more emotionally healthy and tend to do better academically. The chapter discussed how Americans in comparison to other cultures have a higher internal locus of control. However, this does not account for the self-serving bias which is tendency to blame others when bad or negative things happen to us. For example, if we get a bad grade on a test we may say that the test was unfair or difficult rather than say we didn’t study enough. Additionally, it does not explain why other cultures perform better academically when compared to ours. The findings are interesting because it shows that there is not one perfect explanation in the field of psychology and there are many gray areas. As the saying goes there is always an exception to the rule.
3. According to Cheung et al., 2011, in the study of culture and personality measurements had described three methods: one being – raw data methodology that pays attention on forming measurements similarities introduce processes of personality; seconded being – original raw data in contrasting measures that researches personality in various cultures; and third – a combined processes of the above related to personality. Cheung et al., 2011, recommended the combined methods explained by comparing Chinese culture and South African culture. According to Cheung et al., 2011, “hypothesis from Church research (2000, 2009) cross-situational consistency is exhibited in all cultures (as predicted by trait theory) and is stronger in individualistic cultures than in collectivistic cultures (as predicted cultural psychology). (“Toward a New Approach to the Study of Personality in Culture”, p. 601) Research in these areas will continue.
Cheung, F. M., van de Vijver, F. J. R. and Leong, F. T. L. (2011), American Psychologist. Retrieved from https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/releases/amp-66-7-593.pdf
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