“Gender Stereotypes” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, discuss at least two (2) ways in which gender stereotyping has harmed society in social, economic, and cultural terms. Suggest two to three (2-3) examples of such harm in action in your response. Justify your response.
Watch the video titled “Top 10 Most Sexist Commercials of All Time!” (3 min 39 s). Be prepared to discuss. Video Source: Beryl Shereshewsky and Jonathan Tortora. (2012, October 25). Top 10 Most Sexist Commercials of All Time! [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibugG89odt0. This video can be reviewed from within your online course shell.
Note: Discussion responses may include information from your personal life, discussion about your friends’ or family members’ lives, or examples from life in general. You are not required to solely use personal examples if you are not comfortable doing so.
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