• Explain the links between nursing knowledge and experience, including the role research plays in nursing practice
• Demonstrate the ability to search for and identify current nursing literature and research
• Describe how qualitative and quantitative research processes contribute to knowledge growth and influence nursing practice
• Explain how evidence impacts on nursing knowledge and practice, including how it effects and initiates practice change
?Aligned professional standards/ competencies
Domain: Critical thinking and analysis
Competency 3 Practices within an evidence-based framework Element : 3.1
Identifies the relevance of research to improving group/community health outcomes
Element : 3.2
Uses best-available evidence, nursing expertise and respect for the values
and beliefs of individuals /groups in the provision of care
Element: 3.3
Demonstrates analytical skills in accessing and evaluating health information and research evidence
Group or individual
Part A Individual Part B Group
Word length
Part A 500 words Part B 50 words
[word counts 10% below or above the required word limit will be penalised by 10% deduction of the marks available. The word count must be accurately stated at the end of the concluding paragraph. Every printed element between spaces is to be counted including quotations and in-text references (but not including Reference list or Appendices]).
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