> Study Level:College
> Page Count:9
> Number of sources:5
> Spacing:double
> Deadline:24hrs
> Topic:classroom management and motivation
> Citation:APA
> English:US
> Order Number:6027
> Details:
Devote 3 pages per topic k-8
Evidence-based strategies and materials related to classroom management, engagement, and motivation form a foundation from which teachers can create an emotionally safe classroom where all students can learn. This foundation includes designing classroom management plans, including procedures and policies (e.g., policy for late work, process for taking attendance, use of technology, managing misbehaviors) which promote self-awareness, self-management, self-efficacy, and self-esteem; and encourage interaction, motivation, and engagement.
You will choose one of the following scenarios to demonstrate your knowledge of evidence-based strategies and materials related to classroom management, engagement, and motivation and how to apply this knowledge to your licensure area. You may adapt or highlight specific aspects of the chosen scenario to relate it more specifically to your licensure area
Scenario 2:
Mr. Collet is a teacher with a class of 20 students who vary greatly in their academic and social skill levels. Some of them are very good in all subjects, some are good in mathematics but do not read well, others are good readers but do not do as well in mathematics, and a few are struggling with everything. Because he has had problems in the past with students not completing homework on time or thoroughly, he has developed the following procedures.
At the beginning of the year, he verbally explains his homework policy and gives his students a handout for themselves and for their parents with all the information explained. He also has his students buy a student day planner, and they spend time learning how to use it.
He has a section of the blackboard devoted to homework information. On this section, he details exactly what needs to be done for each assignment, its due date, how many points it is worth, and any other pertinent information. Sometimes he has all the information up before class. Other times, he and his students develop it together during the class period.
All homework assignments must be put into the inbox on the right-hand side of his desk at the beginning of class. A late assignment cannot be turned in until the student discusses it with Mr. Collet. During this discussion, they talk about the reasons the homework assignment was late and, if applicable, what they can do so that it does not happen again.
All graded homework assignments must be picked up from the outbox on the left-hand side of his desk at the beginning of class. This is the responsibility of every student. If graded assignments are not picked up within two days, Mr. Collet takes them out of the outbox and students must have a conference with him to discuss the reasons the homework assignment was not picked up and, if applicable, what they can do so that it does not happen again.
If students believe a mistake has been made in the grading of any assignment or exam, they may make a formal appeal. They have two class sessions after they get their work back to submit an appeal. The appeal should consist of a sentence or two explaining why they believe their answer is correct, and they must support this with the textbook, notes, or other reasoning. The original answer must be stapled to the back of the grade appeal.
Task: 2
A. Evaluate whether the homework policy from your chosen scenario would promote best practices for each of the following within your licensure area:
1. Positive social interaction
2. Self-motivation
3. Active engagement
B. Develop a homework policy for your licensure area using evidence-based strategies and materials.
1. Explain how your homework policy promotes principles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Task: 3
For this task, you will choose from the following two scenarios based on your licensure area, to demonstrate your knowledge of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the appropriate use of technology and instructional interventions, as well as how to apply this knowledge to your licensure area. You may adapt or highlight aspects of the scenario to relate it more to your licensure area (e.g., fourth-grade, tenth-grade American History).
Elementary School:
You are a teacher in a classroom of 20 students who vary greatly in academic and social skill levels. Some of them are very good in all subjects, some are good in mathematics but do not read well, others are good readers but not very proficient in mathematics, and a few are struggle with every subject. Joey continually talks out of turn, loudly, and off topic. Sarah cannot seem to sit in her seat and wanders around the room, distracting other students. Often when Sarah starts wandering you notice several other students do the same thing. George can get out of control (although not frequently), striking out at other students or you and throwing his books and papers on the floor. Because Bridgett needs continual confirmation that she is doing her work correctly, she demands your constant attention. Usually, Walden barely talks in class but when you discussed the solar system he became enthusiastic and more talkative. When Nancy is interested in the topic, she can concentrate much better than when she thinks the lesson is boring and useless. Nancy, George, Sarah, and several other classmates are members of an extracurricular photography and movie-making club while Walden and several other classmates attend a NASA-supported science camp.
A. Explain how you could apply different principles of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to help two students from your chosen scenario.
B. Discuss how to incorporate technology in your chosen scenario to enhance the following:
1. Teaching
2. Learning
3. Engagement
4. Motivation
C. Recommend an instructional intervention for one of the struggling students in your chosen scenario.
1. Justify your recommended instructional intervention based on classroom motivational theories.
Note: You must cite sources in your justification.
D. Recommend an instructional intervention for a second struggling student in your chosen scenario.
1. Justify your recommended instructional intervention based on classroom motivational theories.
Note: You must cite sources in your justification.
E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Note: When bulleted points are present in the task prompt, the level of detail or support called for in the rubric refers to those bulleted points.
Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.
Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the paper or project.
Task: 4
Classroom management theories, including learning behavior theory, form a foundation from which teachers can create an emotionally safe classroom where all students can learn. This foundation includes using learning behavior theory to generate appropriate instructional interventions to manage routine misbehaviors; increase intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; and encourage positive social interaction, self-motivation, and active engagement.
You have been asked to observe a classroom. You have noticed some behavior issues with one of the students. Carol talks a lot, mostly off the subject matter, and interrupts constantly. However, when she is interested in the topic, she can concentrate and stay on task much better than when she thinks the lesson is boring and useless. Carol is best friends with Frankie, so when they are in a group together, she is more distracted than usual.
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