Wrte 350-to 525-word proposal.
- Identify the location of the pollution.
- Explain the causes of this pollution.
- Identify the effects of this pollution on human health and the environment.
- Recommend ways to prevent/clean up this type of environmental pollution.
- Presentations should include appropriate images and speaker’s notes. Slides should contain short bullet lists (no more than five bullets per slide, and five words per bullet), consistent with UOP standards.
Use at least 2 outside references.
Format your paper, citations, and references consistent with APA guidelines. For presentations, format citations and references consistent with APA guidelines.
Guidance for Environmental Pollution Recommendation
- The organization and mechanics section of the scoring guide below describe an exemplary paper and PowerPoint® Presentation.
- Tip: Good responses cite credible sources when paraphrasing and summarizing information. In a presentation, the citations should appear in the speaker’s notes, not on the slide, unless a quotation is included on the slide.
- Tip: If you cannot point to one location on a map, then your selection is not specific enough.
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