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Environment policy in the U.S and China

Study Level:Bachelor
Page Count:8
Number of sources:20
Deadline: Jan 23, 11 pm
Topic:A comparative Analysis of Environment policy in the U.S and China
Order Number:2223
Details:comparing two countries of your choice. First, argue why the two countries make a good comparative case study, using John Stuart Mill’s logic of comparison (i.e. either his ‘method of agreement’ or his ‘method of difference’). Next, use the comparative case method (and the comparative politics theoretical literature as your starting point) to explain how differences (or similarities) in the independent variable(s) have led to different (or similar) outcomes in the dependent variable. Finally, with reference to the course readings, briefly describe how the logic of comparative analysis allows you to make at least a tentative causal argument from the comparative case. To structure your argument, compare the countries from one (or more, but not more than two) of the following levels of analysis: a) Institutions and/or Policies b) Ideas/Culture c) Social Structure (class, employment, social hierarchy, minorities, ethnicity, etc.) d) Other factors (e.g. agency, path dependence, external influences). For example, papers focused on institutional independent variables might argue that different electoral systems or degrees of federalism have resulted in differing levels of political stability; a paper focused on democratic development might examine the effect that different levels of ethnic fragmentation have on political development, and so on. Make sure to clearly identify your dependent (DV) and independent variables (IV) before you start the paper. With respect to topic selection, there are two possible approaches: a) Regional: Search for a topic based on your regional or country-specific interests. b) Functional: Take an unresolved question from the literature, and search for a pair of closely matched countries that have different outcomes (or of radically different countries that have similar outcomes) with respect to this question. Please see these sample essay, same structure!

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