This is an critical thinking essay that present what you have learn from the class, and it should be in 4 full pages. This paper is about Emotion, Stress and health
For example: theories of Emotion(James Lange, Cannon Bard), embodied emotion, expressed emotion, culture and emotional expression, effects of facial expressions, whats happiness, stress, stress deseases.
Typed and double-spaced
in 12 pt font. Select 2-3 concepts from the chapters and discuss them in-depth. "This is NOT a summary of what was in the chapter. You should demonstrate that you have thought about the topics and that you can apply them.
1. Why you selected your chosen topics from the chapters (i.e. why was it interesting?).
2. How these topics relate to everyday life – This can be done through the use of personal
examples (don’t take an example from the book).
3. Any questions that the chapters left you with (i.e. how else can it be applied? Did it leave
you curious about anything else?).
4. Explain any agreements/disagreements that you had with what was presented in the text
(i.e. Any theories that seemed weak? Ideas that seemed unsubstantiated? Theories that
were well supported? Something change a previously held view?)
The paper will be graded on clarity, depth of analysis, and grammar.
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