When an electrolyte disorder occurs, it disrupts the balance of ionized salts in the blood. Since electrolytes regulate physiological functions in the body, if left untreated, electrolyte disorders can cause harm to multiple body systems. This results in a variety of symptoms which are sometimes severe and life threatening. In this Discussion, you explore common electrolyte disorders and their potential causes, as well as the impact of the disorders on patients.
To prepare:
- Review Chapters 207, 208, and 241 of the Buttaro et al. text, as well as the Adams et al. and Assadi articles in this week’s Learning Resources.
- Select one of the following electrolyte disorders: hyperkalemia and hypokalemia; hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia; hypernatremia and hyponatremia; hypermagnesemia and hypomagnesemia. Reflect on signs and symptoms of this disorder.
- Consider potential causes of the disorder that you selected. Reflect on whether that disorder is iatrogenic or a result of prescribed drugs.
- Think about the impact of this electrolyte disorder on patients. Consider how the disorder affects other body systems.
Post on or before Day 3 a description of the electrolyte disorder that you selected as well as signs and symptoms. Then, explain potential causes of the disorder including whether it is iatrogenic or a result of prescribed drugs. Finally, describe the impact of the disorder on patients and their body systems.
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