Requirment: Apa Format, 12 font double space ,cites references, please use references that are provided.
Important Infprmariom that is needed to complete assignment: The child I choose is a two year old ( girl)
Please follow directions as implied to the fullest.
Group A
Perception and Memory
As you have been learning, development has a great deal to do with how they behave, learn, and interact. This week, your textbook explains that both perception and memory “are important in how children take in, organize, and remember what they see and hear during interactions” (p. 58).
For this Discussion, consider the ways in which children’s ages and cognitive development are related to their behavior. Then choose an age group—either infants/toddler or preschoolers.
By Day 3:
Post a response to the following:
- Based on the age group you chose: What is the relationship between perception and memory and children’s behavior?
- Why is it vital that professionals who work with young children and their families understand this relationship and how does it affect child guidance?
- What insights did you glean from this section of your text and how will you apply it to your work with young children and their families?
- Resources:
- Course Text: Marion, M. (2015). Guidance of young children (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
- Chapter 1, “A Teacher’s Role in Guiding Children” (pp. 3-28)
- Chapter 3, “Understanding Child Development” (pp. 61-71)
- Chapter 6, “Using Observation in Guiding Children” (pp. 158-180)
- Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Social and emotional learning [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 13 minutes.
Early childhood expert, Marilyn Gootman, Ed.D. talks about the importance of social-emotional learning.
- Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload Audio
- Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (n.d.). Observation [Video file]. Retrieved from
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 9 minutes.
Noted early childhood specialist Janet Gonzalez-Mena offers advice about observing very young children. The principles and insights she shares can be applied to any age group.
- Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload Audio
Optional Resources
- Article: “Effective Behavior Management, Part I” by Kelly B. Cartwright, PhD
- Web Site: About Temperament
- Document: “Stanford Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Rotation: A Guide to Preschool Observations”
- Research Paper: “Wondering with Children: The Importance of Observation in Early Education” by George Foreman and Ellen Hall
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