Study Level:College
Page Count:4
Number of sources:6
Order Number:5511
Details:Soc. 14 Marriage and Family Professor Irvine Research Paper
– 100 points Objective: Analyze a sociological topic of your choice
that has to do with marriage and families: such as gender inequality,
social class, divorce, poverty, family violence, or child abuse – any
topic that we have covered. You must use terms and concepts that we
have covered in class. Requirements: Please use APA style for
citations and references, as well as providing a reference page. Go to
Main Mt. Sac page and click on Library page for Mt. Sac Then scroll
down on right side and you will see a link to FIND Articles, then
click on Databases by topic/subject, then click on databases listed on
the side like JSTOR or Wilson Web and from there you can put in your
topic and find scholarly journal articles, no TIME or NEWSWEEK or
Psychology Today. Structure:4 You may structure your paper as follows:
Title Page 1 Introduction (one paragraph); why you chose this topic 2
Thoroughly discuss your topic and support it with previous research
(1-3 articles from peer reviewed journals) that has been done on your
topic. 3 Discuss concepts and terms from class and how they apply to
your topic and apply a theory to your topic. 4 Reference Page. 5
Journal articles are available online from the library. This paper
should be:  In paragraph format (no bullet points) 
Approximately 3-4 pages (not including title page or reference page)
 Typed  Double-spaced  12 font  1†margins all around
 Stapled (no folders)  Paper must include a title  Paper must
include a reference page in APA citation style.  Rules of
plagiarism must be followed closely Grading will be based on the
following:  All the requirements and guidelines are followed 
Grammar and spelling  Demonstration of creative thinking in terms
of your choice of a research topic, and journal articles chosen –
must be empirical.  Organization and flow of your paper  Due
June.8 , no exceptions. Post to Assignment folder under Term Paper
Assignment Other Pointers:  Proofread  Do not begin a sentence
with a number (write it out) mtsac.eduthen click my mtsac ID: alin78
Password: iamalexlin123 go to e-learing tool and click sociology 14
and there will be powerpoints For the topic,I want to do divorce so
can u guys please follow the rule that our professor told us to go to
our school\’s library to find the article and do the reference page.
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