Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus. |
- Ensler, E. (2013). In the body of the world [PDF]. New York, NY: Henry Holt & Company. Retrieved from
- Hamlet, J. D. (1996). Fannie Lou Hamer: The unquenchable spirit of the Civil Rights Movement. Journal of Black Studies, 26 (5), 560–576.
Fannie Lou Hamer: The Unquenchable Spirit of the Civil Rights Movement by Hamlet, J.D., in Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 26/Issue 5. Copyright 1996 by Sage Publications Inc. – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications Inc. – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.
This article discusses the notable work and efforts of Fannie Lou Hamer during the Civil Rights Movement. This article is analyzed for this week’s Discussion.
- Porter, K. A. (1965). Rope. In The collected stories of Katherine Anne Porter (pp. 42–48). Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
Katherine Anne Porter, “Rope” from The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter. Copyright 1928 by Katherine Anne Porter. Used with the permission of The Permissions Company on behalf of The Katherine Anne Porter Literary Trust.
In this short story, Porter writes from the perspective of a female character providing insight into the experience of a wife. This short story is analyzed in this week’s Worksheet Assignment.
- Brady, J. (1990). Why I (still) want a wife. Ms, 1(1), 17.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This well-known essay provides commentary on housewives. This essay is examined in this week’s Worksheet Assignment.
- Walden University. (2015b). APA style: Overview. Retrieved from
- Walden University. (2015e). Writing center. Retrieved from
- Document: Glossary of Terms and Techniques for Literature and Creative Writing (PDF)
This resource provides support in analyzing various forms of literature. Use this resource to identify elements of style and apply literary terms to assignments.
- Document: Week 3 Worksheet (Word document)
Download this worksheet to your computer. It will be used in the Week 3 Assignment.
- Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Women’s voices and social change [Interactive media]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
With this week’s content on family and community in mind, review the timeline information on Janice Hamlet, Katherine Anne Porter, and Judy Brady.
Optional Resources
Song Lyric Search Resources
- The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. (2015). Retrieved from
- Broadcast Music. (2015). Retrieved from
- SongLyrics. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2015, from
Note: The following songs can be considered for this week’s Discussion; however, you may use any song of your choosing as long as it meets the criteria in the Discussion. |
- DiFranco, A., (1990). Lost woman song. On Ani DiFranco [Cassette]. Buffalo, NY: Righteous Babe.
- Etheridge, M. (1994). Come to my window. On Yes I am. Los Angeles, CA: A&M Studios.
- Hamer, F. L. (1997). Walk with me Lord. On Voices of the Civil Rights Movement: Black American freedom songs 1960–1966 [MP3]. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways Recordings.
- King, C. (1971). You’ve got a friend. On Tapestry [Record]. New York, NY: Ode Records.
- O’Connor, S. (1997). 4 My Love. On Gospel oak (EP) [CD]. London, UK: Chrysalis.
- Parton, D. (1971). Coat of many colors. On Coat of many colors [Record]. Nashville, TN: RCA.
- Russell, B. (1988). Get here. On Get here [CD]. Los Angeles, CA: A&M Studios.
Resources in support of this week’s topic
- Edelman, M. W. (1992). The measure of our success: A letter to my children and yours. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
- FDR Presidential Library (Producer). (1948). Eleanor Roosevelt speech human rights [Online video]. Retrieved from
- National Women’s History Museum. (n.d.). Fannie Lou Hamer (1917-1977). Retrieved September 27, 2015, from
A Lyrical Expression of Women, Family, and Community
Now that you have had some experience in this course researching song lyrics written by women, you may have developed an ear for the way a message is uniquely conveyed through song lyrics. The sentiment might be subtle or overt, but either way the listener or reader makes meaning in connection to her or his own experience. Consider how lyrics can celebrate, challenge, and/or promote social change themes related to women, family, and community.
In this week’s Discussion, you choose a song with lyrics that represent social change as it relates to women’s family and community experience. This week, however, differs from previous weeks in that you analyze lyrics posted by a colleague and he or she, in turn, analyzes the lyrics you post.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Consider how music has influenced and/or been influenced by social change.
- Search your personal music library, the Internet, or another resource for a song (including this week’s Optional Resources) that meets the following criteria:
- The song was written by a woman.
- The song reflects a social change theme that directly or indirectly relates to women’s family and community experience.
- The song includes two literary techniques listed in the “Glossary of Terms and Techniques for Literature and Creative Writing” document.
- The song may be from any time period or country, but lyrics have an English translation available.
- Summarize and paraphrase the song using proper APA citation rules.
- Consider how the song offers a social change perspective related to women’s family and community experience.
- Identify lyrics within the song that reflect the family and community themes conveyed in this week’s required resources by Ensler, Hamlet, Porter, or Brady.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 2 an active link to the lyrics of the song you selected. Include the song title and name of the songwriter with your posting. Use proper APA citation rules.
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