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Discussion on CQI Models

quality improvement initiatives including NCQA’s HEDIS® measures. Health plans and physicians must ensure they are meeting standards set by the accreditation agencies, such as NCQA. As a physician practice manager for Dr. Jones, you have just conducted a mock survey of the patient chart data. The data shows that your physician practice is not meeting standards for two HEDIS® measures.

  • Choose two HEDIS® measures (from the list below either a, b, c, d, e or f) that must be implemented in a physician practice to improve patient outcomes.
  • Describe the sources of data needed to conduct the two measures.
  • Using one of the quality improvement models (Lean, PDSA, or Six Sigma), explain how you would use the model to implement the two chosen HEDIS® Measures.

Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source library

My two choices are:

Smoking Cessation:

  1. Current smokers seen by a physician during the year who were advised to quit, and cessation medications were recommended and discussed. Different   cessation methods were discussed.

Weight Assessment:


  1. Patients between the ages of 3-17 who had been examined for body mass index (BMI, received counseling on nutrition. Counseling or referral for physical activity or indication physical activity was addressed during an outpatient visit either by a claim or as a medical record entry during the measurement year.

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