tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Authentic leadership
For this assessment, you will navigate areas of focus that include professional presence, mindfulness practice, and healing environments. These areas of focus will help you to create a professional presence plan that has both personal and professional application. You will be analyzing your inner world (thoughts, beliefs, and values) and your outer world (activities, relationships, and experiences). Each section of this assessment will gauge how you use and interact with those two worlds. To aid you in understanding your inner and outer worlds, you will take the Keirsey Temperament Sorter-II, an online personality test. With the test’s results, you will better understand your strengths and weaknesses and how you can be an effective individual and leader. Authentic leadership requires as much care and understanding for yourself as for those you will serve and lead. Your professional presence plan will integrate your insights, goals, and beliefs into a coherent whole.
Note: Be sure to cover each prompt in sufficient detail and support.
A. Professional Presence
1. Discuss with substantial details the differences between two models of health and healing (e.g., physical body, body-mind, body-mind-spirit/bio-psycho-social,) as they relate to what it means to be human.
2. Provide plausible analysis, with substantial support, of the differences between one of the models discussed in part A1 and your professional presence (i.e., current beliefs, attitudes, and actions regarding health and healing).
3. Provide logical discussion with details of how your professional presence (mindful or distracted) influences your nursing practice.
B. Personality Preferences
1. Submit your results from the Keirsey Temperament personality test.
(myKeirsey Temperament personality test result indicate that my personality type is that of: Guardian).
For questions 2a and 2b: Please go to Keirsey.com, and under 4 temperaments, read on “Guardian” to help with questions 2a, 2b.
2a. Provide plausible analysis with substantial details of your test results, including areas that may or may not align with how you view yourself.
b. Evaluate how the preferences identified by the test align with your relationships, favorite activities, and career choices.
c. Discuss two potential challenges or barriers (e.g., barriers in communication, decision-making) that could be minimized by your enhanced self-awareness when working with opposite personality types.
C. Mindfulness Practice
1. Develop a mindfulness practice plan consistent with your interests, goals, and beliefs by doing the following:
a. Create two specific goals for each of the four Aspects of your whole person (physical, vital/rhythmic, mental/emotional, and biographical/spiritual body) to maintain balance.
b. Discuss how you will achieve each of the goals created in part C1a, including how you will adjust to the changing of your whole person.
D. Healing Environments
1. Analyze two optimal healing environments in healthcare to identify the common elements of internal, interpersonal, behavioral, and external environments.
2. Discuss how you intend to apply self-awareness and insights gained from part D1 to promote professional presence in your current healthcare setting.
E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.
Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a performance assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the performance assessment.
Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from outside sources, even if cited correctly.
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