Instructions to students
When addressing the assignment topic it is expected that you will write in the third person, read widely around the topic and correctly reference your paper using APA referencing style. Please note: referencing constitutes 20% of your overall mark for this assessment.. Please ensure all assessable items are in the body of the paper, as the appendix will not be marked.
A 3500 word limit has been set for this assignment. A 10% leeway on either side of the word limit will be accepted. Word count will be measured from the first word of the introduction to last word of the conclusion and include intext references and page numbers. Not included in the word count are the abstract, contents page and reference list. Use 10 peer Journals and 10 database’s no older than 3 yrs. Intext referencing with page numbers included in the intext
Assignment Task
You are the registered nurse (RN) on duty for the morning shift in the Emergency Department (ED) of a regional hospital. Your shift commenced at 0700 hours on Monday March 30, 2015 and you have been assigned to care for Mr Ben Forrester. Ben has a past history of pancreatitis and diabetes.
Examine the case study available and address the following questions. Be sure to clearly relate your answers to the person in the case study:
1. Briefly discuss pancreatitis and diabetes and explain how these medical conditions would affect Ben (300 words)
2. Discuss the collaborative care needs of Ben during your shift (500 words).
3. Prioritise the nursing care needs of Ben. Develop a plan of care for Ben for your shift that recognises his individual needs. Please note this should not be a nursing care plan but a plan of what you would do for the person in the case study and the care priority order for your shift. This plan should include primary assessment, allocation of a triage score and secondary assessment. Be sure to include ethical and legal issues as well as nursing interventions to assist family members cope with their loved one’s illness and hospitalisation (2700 words).
Self Reflection
Critical thinking and problem solving skills are key attributes required by the registered nurse. To be able to effectively critically think and problem solve the registered nurse must also be able to critically reflect on their own knowledge and skills.
The assignment for this course requires you to assess your client, identify collaborative strategies and develop the plan you will use to care for the client for your 8 hour shift. You will need to make judgments about the care already ordered or undertaken. You may conclude that your client requires certain procedures and medications and will need to discuss how you will obtain these for the client. You need to use your nursing assessment skills and judgments to plan the client’s care and make nursing decisions. Please remember, this is not a nursing care plan but a plan of how you will provide care to your client for your shift.
You should use relevant journal articles when doing the assignment for this course.
So please ensure you focus on using the latest evidence rather than relying on textbooks which maybe out of date.
APA style, 20 references, use the latest journals also in text referencing to be used 3,500 words. No data bases to be older than 2 years old.
1. Title page needed.
2. Abstract What is an abstract?
An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book. Like an executive summary, an abstract presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project. It is a brief summary that appears as the first section of a paper.
The abstract should be a clear, concise summary of the essential information in all the sections of your research paper. As such, it should be written last and appear as an overall summary of essential information only. The abstract’s length will depend on the depth of the original source. However, it is usually between 150 and 250 words. The abstract is a very brief summary–it does not take the place of the introduction.
Often, abstracts are published without the complete paper either in abstract journals or in online databases. A researcher often makes a decision on whether to read the paper on the basis of the abstract so it must be a compact and concise summary of the complete paper.
An abstract should:
describe the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of the complete paper
omit background information, a literature review, and detailed description of methods
avoid reference to other literature and sources.
I am happy to accept acronyms in the abstract but the full word then acronyms are need for the first time in the body of the paper. You can then use acronyms in the paper.
3. Contents page
4. Introduction – sets the scene – gives a brief overview of the client and enables the reader to know the direction of the paper.
5. Contents of the paper – this can be in any style including table format.
Q1 you need to broadly identify pathophysiology issues related to the client’s condition. This does not need to be detailed just a brief look at the issues as this is not a paper on pathophysiology or disease processes.
Q2 You can do this by person needing to be consulted and for your shift it would be the primarily the MO – or by system as outlined in Q1 e.g. – related to alterations GIT in function.
Also need to discuss medications with MO e.g. Ben’s need for pain relief.
Doing by person needing to be consulted may be more word economical as you could include all you need to discuss with the MO under the heading of MO. Again it only needs to be brief and only for your shift.
Q3 In this section of the paper you discuss your nursing assessment in detail and your nursing interventions for your shift plan and rationale for these – this is your shift plan. So you can start with preparing the bed area – but this could be done in the introduction or as the first point in your shift plan. This would be followed by discussion of airway e.g airway is patent as client talking but continual airway assessment needed during shift to detect any changes. Something such as this is all that is needed.
Breathing – resp assessment, change of oxygen delivery device, etc and so on and why you need to do these nursing interventions.
Then you do C, D and E
Then Secondary Survey
Remember to include rationales for cares and important – this is only for one shift.
6. Conclusion.
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