Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements
Please discuss the following:
The normal anatomical and physiological changes that occur for the FETUS in pregnancy at the gestation of the case
The usual management, both medical and nursing, of the condition recommended by the literature including journal articles, textbooks, hospital policies and clinical guidelines
Provide a critique of TWO recent research studies outlining current practice in relation to the management of such cases
Discuss any relevant assessments, examinations, investigations and other procedures that would usually be undertaken for this case scenario.
Make use of relevant, professional reference material throughout the assignment to provide evidence in support of your discussion on the topic of choice. NB: non-credible web references will not be accepted as appropriate, professional resources
Present your work in the usual written assessment format as outlined in the marking guide.
Please: Complete the additional requirements for the case study as follows:
Paediatric Case Study
James is born prematurely at 32 weeks by caesarean section. Following his mother Katelyn experiencing an antepartum haemorrhage. James weighed 2.1kgs and had Apgars of 6 at 1 minute and 7 at 10 minutes. He showed obvious signs of respiratory distress at birth. He was transferred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with Jason his father.
1) Outline the common respiratory conditions experienced by newborns.
2) Using the previous instructions: define and describe the condition Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
3) Outline the predisposing factors for this condition.
4) Describe the presenting signs and symptoms and the underlying pathophysiology.
5) Discuss the current recommended management of babies at this gestation with RDS, including observations.
6) Outline the possible complications and outcomes related to this case scenario.
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