Healthcare Interview Paper This week, you will be working on your Healthcare Interview Paper. The goal for this assignment is for each student to explore how access to healthcare and personal views on healthcare services might have changed over time. You will be required to interview three people of different generations (grandparents, parents, your generation, or your children’s generation). The paper is to be three-to-five pages in length. Complete instructions: Healthcare Interview Paper Requirements. Submit to the Dropbox the topic for your Healthcare Policy Paper. Review the requirements for the Health Care Policy Analysis under Course Home Course Project tab. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read th Health Care Interview Paper – 100 points The goal of this assignment is for each student to explore how “real people” access health care and how this might have changed over time.Interview 3 separate individuals representing three generations (parents, grandparents, your generation or your children’s generation) and learn how they: accessed health care paid for health care where they received their health care how they viewed their health care and health care providers what changes they have seen in the health care system any other facts or information you obtain from the interviewees In your conclusion, provide a summary of the similarities and differences noted between the generations. This paper should be about 3-5 pages in length with appropriate referencing and in APA format. This assignment is worth 100 points (10% of your grade) and is due in Week 3. The sources you will be citing will be the people you interviewed. If you use direct quotes, you are to cite the source immediately following the sentence it was used in. Also, you are required to have a works cited page with your source information. Citations for Interviews and Personal Communication Personal interviews and personal communications (email, group discussions, electronic bulletin boards, telephone conversations) are NOT mentioned at the end of the paper on the list of references. However, they are cited in-text throughout the paper. For personal communication, you should give the author’s full name (first and middle initials followed by last name), the kind of communication, followed by the date of communication. Example: (J.L. Smith, personal interview, April 10, 2006) For more information visit: Health Care Interview Paper Grading Rubric Category Points % Description Documentation & Formatting 10 10% A quality paper will include a proper citations. The number of sources identified and cited meets the paper requirements. Organization & Cohesiveness 30 30% A quality paper will include an introduction, review of the generational interview information and a conclusion organized in a logical manner. The conclusion will summarize the similarities and differences noted between the generations. Editing 10 10% A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct. Content 50 50% A quality paper will meet the page requirement and provide significant information about the beliefs of the generation/person interviewed. DEVRY HSM410 week 6 Ethical Considerations Project Ethical Considerations Project Review the reading and lecture. Read Ethics Article: Smugar, S., Spina, B., & Merz, J. (2000, September).–Informed%20consent%20file.pdf”>Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims.American Journal of Public Health, 90(9),1372-1376. Retrieved November 28, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database. Complete the Ethical Considerations Project.–ethics_project_description.docx”>Ethical Considerations Project Requirements Submit your lab to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these″>step-by-step instructionsor watch this Tutorial″>Dropbox Tutorial. See the Syll Ethical Considerations Project Read the assigned article, “Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims.” Review theBrownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital case summary. (Below) Review Essay Requirements.(Below) Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital Ascension Health (2007) Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital.Retrieved November 28, 2008 from”> In this 1989 federal appellate court case, the plaintiff was taken to Freeman Hospital’s emergency room after being raped. In response to the patient’s request for information about the morning-after pill, the hospital authorities refused to provide such information, believing that they could not, on the grounds that it was a Catholic hospital. Specifically, the hospital did not inform the patient that if she wanted such treatment it must be obtained within 72 hours to be effective. The court reasoned that a patient has the right to make her own decisions regarding treatment, and therefore, adequate disclosure of information must be provided so the patient can make an informed decision. The court concluded that a rape victim who is denied information about access to the morning-after pill may bring a medical malpractice action. This means that liability may arise if the patient can show: 1) that a skilled practitioner would have provided such information and access under similar circumstances; 2) that she would have elected such treatment; and 3) that “damages” (in this case, pregnancy) resulted from the failure to provide such information. In a footnote to its decision, the court indicated that “access” to such treatment could include transfer of the patient to another medical facility or another physician. More critical for Catholic-sponsored hospitals, the court also reasoned that the morning-after pill constitutes the “prevention” rather the than “termination” of pregnancy. It therefore concluded that the conscience clause under the state’s abortion statute did not immunize the hospital from liability for failure to refuse to provide such information. However, since human life begins at conception (fertilization) and not merely after implantation of the embryo, the relevantmoral question from the Catholic perspective is not whether or not there is a pregnancy, but whether or not there is another innocent human life to be respected. Those “contraceptive” measures that operate solely through the prevention of implantation are morally equivalent to abortions in Catholic moral theology, and are therefore impermissible under the Ethical and Religious Directives (both then and now). Nevertheless, the court did not accept this moral distinction as relevant for its ruling. The court ruling itself stated that Catholic Hospitals have the responsibility “to provide information concerning, and access to, estrogen prophylaxis for rape victims.” Essay Requirements: You are to complete a 1-2 page (12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced) issue analysis that answers the following questions: What are the ethical considerations of this issue? What are the legal considerations of this issue? What ethical concepts and principles apply to this issue? If you were a judge in the Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospitalcase, would you agree with the other judge’s decisions? How would you justify this decision to the hospital or the rape victims? Your submission is to be a formal, multi-paragraphed essay. While citations and sources are not required for this paper, if you borrow any information as supporting details, they must be cited in proper APA format.
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