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devry hsm340 week 1 ,2 ,3,and week 4 discussions

Finance and the Regulatory Components (graded) a) Are there any other types of information besides financial that may be useful in making financial decisions? b) Identify the major components of a corporate compliance plan, including the establishment of internal controls relating to the finances of an organization. c) How does legal and regulatory issues shape and define good financial management of a health care organization? Reimbursement and Payment Determination (graded) a) Discuss the major reimbursement methods used in health care. b) Discuss the major aspects of Medicare benefits. c) List some of the important considerations when negotiating a health plan contract. wek 2 Accounting Conventions and Methods (graded) Discuss the accounting conventions that affect the application of accounting principles. Financial Performance (graded) Explain why it is important to know the scope of business being reviewed when using financial statements. week 3 Cost Categories (graded) Discuss the four types of costs that might be relevant when considering alternative projects. Cost Information (graded) Describe how cost information relates to the three key activities of management: planning, budgeting, and control. weeek 4 Financial Sources (graded) List the major nonhospital and nonphysician sectors of the healthcare industry Financial Theories and Concepts (graded) Describe the two major theories used for the detection of out-of-control costs. This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

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