Part 1
Choose a specific health care organization that has been in existence since the 1980s (e.g., a for-profit hospital by name; nonprofit hospital by name; governmental clinic; military or VA health care facility by name; private health care clinic by name; ambulatory surgery center by name; diagnostic imaging center by name; nursing home by name; assisted living facility by name). Describe the organization and the basic health care services it provides.
Part 2
Analyze how this organization has changed since the 1980s as a result of economic and political forces (i.e., ethical and legal). You should identify a minimum of 3 significant changes from the 1980s to today that should include considerations for technology, personnel and professionals involved, patient demographics, supply and demand imbalance, and so on.
Part 3
In summary, evaluate how these changes have impacted the organization’s efficacy (negatively and positively) from the administrator’s viewpoint. Then, proffer the influence of these changes on the U.S. health system overall (negative and positive).
Your paper should be 2 3 pages excluding the cover page, abstract page, and reference page (common assessment). Be sure to support your work with at least 3 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years
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