Written Assessment Two -Academic Essay
Assessment Two – Academic Essay
Word Count 3000 words including in text citations
Registered Nurses possess minimum standards of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that are necessary for them to practice within their scope of practice.
In this assessment item you are required to write an academic essay defining and discussing scope of practice and what this means in the nursing discipline. Your discussion will be supported by analysis of contemporary literature that compares scope of practice of newly Registered Nurses to that of Registered Nurses (RN), Enrolled Nurses (EN), Student Registered Nurses (SRN) Assistants in Nursing (AIN) and other Health Care Worker (HCW) roles. You may choose to discuss this in relation to any other nursing roles you find appropriate.
You are expected to refer to Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA, 2006) guidelines and other legislation to support your discussion. Content must be applicable to the role of a newly registered nurse as outlined by NMBA (2006) competencies for the Registered Nurse. Some suggestions for applicable areas to begin the literature search are provided below.
1. Competency standards
2. Decision making framework for Registered Nurses
3. Guidelines for registration standards for nurses and other Health Care Workers
4. Professional Boundaries
5. Code of Professional Conduct
6. Code of Ethical practice
7. Professional Practice guidelines
8. Reporting of horizontal and lateral violence in the health workplace
9. Continuous Professional Development
10. Occupational Health and Safety responsibilities
It is expected that you will read widely around many of these topics and reference correctly in your paper. Articles used must be relevant to Australian Nursing context and ideally should be less than 5 years old for Journal articles and less than 10 years old textbooks. Seminal works are allowed. Use of websites must be from a reliable source.
Presentation Tips
Please refer to the CQ university policy on essay writing to ensure you meet minimal requirements including APA 6th edition referencing; Font Arial or Times New Roman, size 12.
Submissions to be submitted with the assessment criteria attached and in a word document (.doc or .docx). PDF files (.pdf) will not be accepted as this requires the marker to re format for marking.
More information about academic writing can be found in the links under the support tab on the left hand side of the course Moodle page.
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