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Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Each student will select a health care organization to assess using
the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate
Services [CLAS] ( The assessment will be
presented in a formal paper. It is expected that the student will
search the current (with-in the last 5 years) literature for
information that will increase the understanding of the specific
organization. The body (excluding the cover sheet, abstract and
reference pages) of the paper is to be no more than 10-double spaced
pages. The paper will be written in APA format and should include:

Each student will post the abstract of the paper in the designated
Discussion Room.

Abstract (5 points)
One-page (1-2 paragraphs) comprehensive summary of the paper. See the
APA reference manual for guidelines. Posted in the Discussion Room. Be
sure to include the abstract in your submitted paper.

Description of Organization (15 points):
1. Organization
2. Client population
3. Provider population in terms of cultural demographics

Assessment of the Organization (60 points)
1. Use the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically
Appropriate Services (CLAS)
2. Describe standards that are met
3. Describe standards that are not met
4. Discuss how meeting or not meeting the standards impacts client outcomes.
5. Make recommendations for how to meet standards that are partially
met or not met.
6. Make recommendations for improving standards that are met

Clarity/Originality (20 points)
1. Original work of the student
2. Logical organization, written at the graduate level
3. Correct spelling and grammar/syntax
4. Punctuation used properly
5. Appropriate length
6. Paper in APA format
7. Citations appropriate and in APA format
8. Adequate references and presented in APA format
At least five (5) current (5 years old or less) scholarly nursing
journal references should be used to support the content.

Completes in APA format
Posted 5
Client population
Provider population in terms of cultural demographics 15

Used the CLAS standards as a framework for the assessment (4)
Described the standards that were met (13)
Described the standards that were not met (13)
Discussed how meeting or not meeting the standards impacts client outcomes (10)
Made recommendations for how to meet standards not completely met (10)
Made recommendations for improving standards that were met (10)

Original work of the student author
Logical organization, written at the graduate level
Correct spelling and grammar/syntax
Proper punctuation
Paper in APA format, within 10 page limit
Citations appropriate and in APA format
References adequate, current, and in APA format:
At least 5 current scholarly journal references used to support paper
content 20

Additional Files for Order

Download all

Date File Name Size
September 24 22:22 CLAS_Paper.doc 28 kb Download
September 24 22:23 paper_fact_sheet.pdf 256 kb Download
September 24 22:25 OWHStrategicPlan-102009.pdf 876 kb Download
September 24 22:26
34 kb Download
September 24 22:29 womens-summit-summary-060810.pdf 1188 kb Download

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