Imagine you are cultural anthropologist searching for a hidden time capsule from both the Renaissance and the Age of Baroque. In each capsule it is rumored that there are at least two examples of each of the following items locked inside:
- Art
- Music
- Descriptions of drawings or architecture
- Philosophy
- Literature
Write a 1050- to 1400-word paper describing which examples you would expect to find and how each of your examples reflects world events and cultural patterns of the time. In other words, what does each example tell us about the time period to which it belonged? Based on what you know about the Renaissance and Baroque periods, how does the art, music, architecture, philosophy, and literature capture the tenets, spirit, ideology, thinking, concerns, aesthetics, politics, cultural and social mores, etc. of the period?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Note: You must use your course text as a reference for this assignment. This means that you should include quoted or paraphrased text from your readings to support your discussion of the assignment topic. Course readings should be acknowledged with an in-text citation. If you need additional sources, use the University Library. If you use the Internet to find sources, you should only access credible and reliable Internet sites such as those affiliated with a museum, magazine, newspaper, educational institution, or arts organization, for example. You should not use sites like Wikipedia,,, or blogs, for example.
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