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In 600-800 words, discuss the following as it relates to your own experience. You do not need to provide specific names or relationships of people. (For example, rather than name a person you can refer to them as “Person A”.) •Describe three people who have followed a path of criminality using the major biological, psychological, and sociological theories of crime. ◦Use one theory for each person, applying the theory that fits best. These can be people in your life, community, or of whom you have heard. They must be real individuals – not fictitious characters.

•Were there situations, influences, or opportunities in your life, or the lives of others that you know, that lead them to a path involving criminality? ◦What were those situations influences or opportunities?

◦Describe how they influenced the behaviors and the choices that you or others made, and relate these to the methods for changing criminal behavior that you have studied in this phase?

•Name 3 people, organizations, or institutions that have influenced you, or changed the direction/course of your life. ◦Has that influence been positive or negative? Try to choose one of each group if possible.

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