Create a 2- to 3-page brochure including graphics, on traditional psychodynamic theories. Describe personality. Discuss the main tenets of each theory, how they apply to personality and behavior, and the strengths and limitations of each theory.
Grading Guide
Psychodynamic Theories Brochure
70 Percent
• Describes personality.
• Discusses the main tenets of each theory.
• Discusses how each theory applies to personality and behavior
• Discusses the strengths and limitations of each theory
Organization and Development 20 Percent
• The assignment is the specified length.
• The assignment is clear and organized; major points are supported by details, examples, or analysis.
• The tone aligns with the assignment’s purpose and is geared toward the appropriate audience.
• The assignment provides relevant and sufficient background on the topic.
• The assignment uses visuals appropriately and effectively and excludes distracting or unnecessary elements.
Mechanics and Format 10 Percent
• The assignment file is presentable and functional; for example, the audio clips are audible, visual components are viewable, and links work appropriately.
• Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
• The assignment is consistent with APA guidelines.
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