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Core Discipline Paper

Subject: business
Study Level:College
Page Count:7
Number of sources:3
Deadline:Jan 25th, 10 pm
Topic:Core Discipline Paper
Order Number:8212
Details:Final Paper: Core Disciplines Paper • The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to look more closely at and apply several aspects of the core disciplines of the learning organization relevant and important to your personal situation right now. Therefore, please choose three (3) of the following six (6) options to incorporate into this single paper: • Personal Mastery: Complete the section, “Drawing Forth Personal Vision,” in the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook. Essentially, this exercise will help you define your personal vision through considering the following: “What do you want to create of yourself and the world around you?” This is a truly powerful self-examination and necessitates courage and perseverance through all four steps of the exercise. • Mental Models “A”: Analyze your organization from the mental models perspective. Consider the following as part of your analysis: o What are mental models? Please provide examples of several mental models within your organization. o How do these mental models squelch changes that can come from systems thinking? o How do these mental models lead to failure or success in diagnosing your organizational problems? o Do your organizational members say what they think? Why or why not? o Which mental models in your organization stop appropriate actions from being taken to correct identified problems? What can be done to change this? • Mental Models “B”: Complete the exercise, “The Left-Hand Column,” in the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook. The purpose of this exercise is “to become aware of the tacit assumptions which govern our conversation and contribute to blocking our purpose in real-life situations, and to develop a way of talking about those tacit assumptions more effectively.” (p. 247). • Shared Vision “A”: Respond to the questions in the section, “Vision for the Organization,” Fifth Discipline Fieldbook.The purposes of this exercise are “[to link] your personal vision to the organization’s potential; to help [you] align the organization’s purpose with [your] own; and to prepare individual groundwork for creating a shared vision.” (p. 208). • Shared Vision “B”: Answer the following questions related to your organization: o What are your organization’s mission, vision and values? o How do these relate or not relate to each other? o What has made this vision successful or unsuccessful? o How do commitment, enrollment, and compliance to the company vision play out in your organization? o Why is the vision compelling or not? o What are employee views of the company’s vision? o If you were the CEO, what actions would you take to increase the vitality of the vision to all your employees? • Team Learning: Prepare an analysis of the team learning within your organization or a group within it. Consider the following as part of your analysis: o How are (aren’t) insightful thinking, innovative and coordinated action, and passing along best practices reflected within your organization? o What value does dialogue have for your group and how is it created or suppressed? o What are common conflict topics and defensive routines that limit learning? How could these be addressed? o How would you structure a team practice session to promote team learning skills? o What other practices are needed to promote the team learning concept within your organization? The analysis of each option must be clearly supported by applicable theories and analysis processes introduced in this course through the course content as well as textbook readings.

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