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Contemporary Issues with Aging

Using the Internet, research about physical effects that result because of aging. Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:


Analyze, identify, and explain at least four different physical effects on the body that occur during the aging process.

Analyze, identify, and explain the systems of the body that are affected by these changes.

Provide at least three specific examples of how these physical conditions can affect daily living.


Explain how a person’s day to day life could be affected by these changes. Explain the modifications that a person may need to make as a result of these changes

Describe the eights stages of Erikson’s model.

Relate the physical impairments that occur on the body to Erik Erikson’s model of human development. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Erik Erikson’s model. Compare Erik Erikson’s model with another model of aging.


Please use question and answer format for this assignment not essay formatting please,

in-text citation is required as well as apa formatting of references

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