Nursing Admissions Committee
Consideration in Evaluating Appeal for Readmission to Nursing
Students dismissed from the Nursing may appeal for readmission to the Nursing program if they meet all three of the following criteria:
1. Are eligible to remain at the U xxx
2. Have no violation of the XXX University community or academic Integrity Code
3. For students who have taken at least one clinical course, have demonstrated clinical competence, documented by clinical evaluations submitted by clinical instructors.
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If all of the above criteria are met, the Nursing Admissions committee will consider applications for the readmission to Nursing. To be considered, student must discuss and document extenuating circumstances that contributed to the course failure(s). If the committee agrees that extenuating circumstances did exist, the following information will be used in evaluating the appeal for readmission:
1. Academic record
2. Conduct
3. Clinical Proficiency, if applicable
4. Plan for Success
Students should clearly stipulate their plans for addressing the circumstances that resulted in the current or any previous course failures.
A student readmitted to the Nursing program may not appeal any subsequent dismissal from Nursing.
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