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This assignment is about you choosing a topic from your previous small assignments that you are interested in and want to know more about. What you choose is up to you. The final assignment is about you using something from one the topics (Topics 1-5) and using it as a springboard for you to jump off from, taking it further and making it your own.

For those that have asked, you do not answer the topic question again in this assignment and you are certainly not to copy and paste work you submitted for the small assignments. That said, you may indicate in your introduction of your assignment for The final assignment that you selected a particular issue from one of the questions/topics discussed previously in the course for instance, social media and that you will discuss an aspect of this in your paper. For example, the advantages of social media for the delivery of nursing care in rural and remote settings. You are certainly able to draw upon the reference material that you used in the small assignments in of your assignment that deals with your chosen topic if you need to but you will need to show that you have read more broadly. Essentially, in this assignment you are to elaborate on a topic, show that have done further work and not have simply regurgitated what you did in the small assignments. I hope this helps clarify.

Please write about

(What are the traits and attributes required by beginning registered nurses to meet competency standards, and how would these expected competencies be demonstrated to a future employer?)

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