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Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing

Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing
A. Identify an appropriate community for which there is published data available (county, state, or national data) that will support the diagnosis.

B. Assess the health needs and risks of the identified community by utilizing the following tools:

Note: The collection of this data should include a variety of data sources, such as focus groups with older adults and/or youth, epidemiological data from the health department or department of vital statistics, investigations of community resources from stakeholders or faith-based organizations, and/or surveys. You do not have to answer every question listed in the assessment tools. Each of these tools can be found either in the web links section or as an attachment to this task.

• Population Economic Status Assessment
• Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory
• Cultural Assessment Tool
• Disaster Assessment and Planning Guide
• Windshield Survey
• Population Health Scavenger Hunt

1. Interpret the collected data using concepts of epidemiology and health determinants (e.g., birth rate, death rate, rates of disease, morbidity).

C. Formulate an appropriate community diagnosis for the selected community by doing the following (suggested length of 4–6 pages):

1. Identify the top three problems for the selected community based on the Healthy People 2020 goals.
a. Discuss the problems in relation to the Healthy People 2020 goals.

2. Select one of the problems identified in part C1 that you would like to investigate further, and do the following:
a. Discuss community resources (e.g., Public Health Department, American Red Cross, American Heart) that are available to address this problem.
3. Formulate a primary prevention topic based on the problem you identified in part C2.

Note: See the attached “Approved Topic List” for guidance in formulating your topic.

Approved Topic List: Choosing Your Field Project Topic with a Primary Prevention Focus

Note: You may not log any work on your field project until you are enrolled in Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Field Experience/Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Clinical and have selected your topic.

What is a Primary Prevention?
The Community Health Nursing practicum requires a field project. The project focuses on primary prevention. Primary prevention is the prevention of disease, injury, disability or premature death before they occur.

First Steps in Choosing a Field Project Topic
First, consider what might be an issue of public health concern in your own community. The pertinent questions to consider are:
• What is the biggest contributor to disease (morbidity) and premature death (mortality) in your community?
• What are the controversial community health concerns discussed in your local newspaper?
• What do you believe people in your community are most concerned about related to health?
• What is generating the most visits to the emergency room or hospital admission in your community?
• What do you believe is reducing the quality of life in your community?

Possible Topic Areas to Choose for Field Project
Access to Healthcare
• access to mental health services
• access to dental health services
• access to health services
Child Health
• prevention of neonatal mortality
• prevention of unintentional childhood injuries, including:
– sudden unexpected infant death (SUID)
– poisoning
– drowning
– motor vehicle related (child safety seat and seat belt use)
• prevention of child abuse
• promotion of vaccination
Overweight and Obesity
• prevention of overweight and obesity through healthy nutrition and physical activity
Women’s and Maternal Health
• prevention of unintended pregnancies
• lack of breastfeeding/promotion of breastfeeding
• promotion of vaccination

Resources to Start Your Topic Choice Process
• Task Force on Community Preventive Services
• Healthy People 2020

D. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment.

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