Citizen Science There are many great research projects already using willing participants, and modern technology to harness the help of citizen scientists like you. It is a great way for people to learn more about a subject that they are interested in while helping researchers gather important information.
Explore the following resources to learn more about Citizen Science:
Read the following article from the Kaplan Library. A copy of this article is in Doc Sharing as well: Hand, E. (2010). Citizen science: People power. Nature, 466 (7307). 685. Source: NASA. (n.d.). For citizen scientists. Retrieved from Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). Be a citizen scientist. Retrieved from Source: United States Geologic Survey. (2012). Join citizens and scientists tracking the pulse of our planet. Retrieved from Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Composting for facilities basics. Retrieved from You can also do some research on your own to find other citizen science projects that are out there.
In your posts this unit answer the following questions:
What is “citizen science”? What is the benefit of using citizens to help out with scientific research in this way? What citizen science program(s) interests you the most? Please provide a specific link and information about your chosen citizen science program. Would you be interested in giving any of the citizen science programs a try? Why, or why not?
Is this your assignment or some part of it?
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