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CIPS assignment one

Subject: Business
Study Level:Bachelor
Page Count:10
Number of sources:17
Deadline: Mon, 2 pm
Topic:CIPS assignment one
Order Number:10855
Details:* There are two questions which are compulsory for this assessment. Each question consists of approximately 1500 words. —– * Guidance: Your report should consist of approximately 1,500 words and should include a title, your candidate number, contents page, executive summary, references and a bibliography. Any source materials such as web sites, reports, articles, market data, journals or texts should be referred to in your references or bibliography. * Question 1: Compose a report that is to be considered by your Board of Directors, which evaluates: (a) The opportunities for the procurement and supply function to create savings or efficiencies or other sources of added value (b) How the profile of the function can be improved (c) How collaboration can be created with stakeholders to increase early engagement in the procurement process (d) The need for organisational policies and procedures to implement effective procurement and supply —– ** Guidance: This section of your work should consist of approximately 1,500 words and should include a title, your candidate number, contents page, executive summary, references and a bibliography. Any source materials such as web sites, company reports, indices, market data, articles, journals or texts should be referred to in your references or bibliography. ** Question 2: You are required to select an example of a category of procurement of a product, service or works bought by your organisation. You are required to: (a) Research the market of your chosen category and review its size, scope and extent of competition (b) Summarise the demand and supply factors that impact on the chosen category of procurement (c) Explain the current pricing mechanism applied to the category and assess the factors that impact on the pricing of the category —– appreciate your prompt response.

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