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The Beauty of Tokyo, Japan (Descriptive Essay)

Assignment:essay Subject:101 Study Level:College Page Count:2 Number of sources:3 Spacing:double Deadline: Feb 8, 11.45 pm Topic:The Beauty of Tokyo, Japan (Descriptive Essay) Citation:MLA English:US Order Number:7899 Details:For your Descriptive Essay, choose a subject (a person, a place, an object, etc.) that you know well, for you will need to include many specific details and this […]


Assignment:essay Subject: other Study Level: college Page Count: 5 Number of sources: 3 Spacing:double Deadline: Feb 1st, 4 pm Topic: TURKEY Citation:APA English:US Order Number: 1135 Details: Cultural Analysis Research paper on the country of Turkey. Focusing on: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Information, Physical Environment and Time (PMESII-PT) Social and informational Aspects of Turkey: […]

pros and cons of a Human Rights Bill/Act/ Charter for Australia.

Assignment:essay Subject: Health Study Level:Bachelor Page Count: 4 Number of sources: 6 Spacing:double Deadline: Jan 21st, 10 am Topic: Critically analyze the pros and cons of a  Human Rights Bill/Act/ Charter for Australia. Citation:APA English:AU Order Number: 1895 Details: Write an essay, and analyze evidence for and against different approaches in Australia and to a […]

Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change

Assignment:paper Subject:37 Study Level:College Page Count:5 Number of sources:3 Spacing:double Deadline: Jan 29, 6pm Topic:Environmental Health and Health Effects of Environmental Change Citation:APA English:US Order Number:2772 Details:In this paper you will apply the material presented in this lesson. Be sure to use the resources in the lesson and previous lessons in this module as appropriate. […]

India and China

India and China are two fascinating countries that are rapidly growing and changing. We can better understand these two very different countries by comparing and contrasting some of their key political systems, processes, and policies. Specifically, these two very large states provide illuminating country case studies for comparing and contrasting political systems, political cultures, and […]

Legal Issues in Cyberspace

Discuss the, “Legal Issues in Cyberspace” excerpt in Section 24-5 of Ch. 24, and Section 24-6, “Copyright Infringement,” of the text. Discuss the topics you are comfortable with, the topics you struggled with, and how these issues relate to application in your field.

International Relations

For this assignment, please write a well-formulated paragraph on the theoretical perspective you think is the most prominent for each the 3 leaders identified below. I have provided links to relevant information on each person; your task is to use only these links (no outside sources). Don’t be surprised if you find information that reflects each […]

Roots of Terrorism

This week’s assigned readings have presented various causes for why terrorist events occur. Political, cultural, economic, societal, and religious motivations have all been cited as root causes for terrorist activity. For this assignment, select the motivator (culture, economy, society, or religion) that you think has had the greatest impact on terrorism throughout history. Then address […]

Domestic Terrorism in the United States

Domestic Terrorism in the United States Terrorism that originates within the United States and is committed by American citizens is a facet of our history that has often been overlooked. Following the attacks on the United States that were perpetrated by radical Islamists, discussions of terrorism have tended to focus on those incidents that stem […]

The “Troubles” in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has a long history of violence between various groups that possess disparate political and religious objectives and argue, primarily, over who should have governmental control of the country. Today, however, this violence has ostensibly come to an end, and Northern Ireland is relatively peaceful. For this discussion, please address the following questions: a.How […]

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