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Please use this guidelines focusing on reasons for older adults especially racial-ethnic minority groups under use or non-use of mental health service. Include: Background, Method, Results, Implication for Nursing Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner), Personal take on mental health and aging, Conclusion. Some article I have on hand: 1. aging with serious mental illness: an overview […]


Literature review from five academic journal articles. Question is posted below The purpose of this assessment is to facilitate your professional development by encouraging you to research and critique current literature. This type of assessment reinforces the need to use current literature, research and benchmarks to inform your clinical practice. You are required to research […]

Why do you do service? For self-interest or altruism?

Order Description • How did this experience challenge your assumptions and stereotypes? • Why do you do service? For self-interest or altruism? • Describe how teamwork and collaboration played a part in providing a service for the community? • How does evidenced-based practice relate to community health. • Describe the importance of health promotion and […]

Various types of Social Norms

Order Description In a single Word document, please type your response to the 2 essay questions listed below. Each answer should be approximately 2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1” margins. 1. Identify the various types of social norms and give an example of each as they are found in the […]

Choose a particular aspect of a culture related to a clinical encounter/experience you have had

Order Description The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concepts discussed in the course and your ability to apply the theory to practice. Choose a particular aspect of a culture related to a clinical encounter/experience you have had. There are several different elements that are critical to this assignment: […]


Order Description REQUIRED text for this course is Abnormal Psychology, An Integrative Approach, 7th edition by Barlow and Durand, ISBN: 978-1285755618. Create a Case Study: Using the clinical case studies in the text for examples, choose a disorder discussed. For example, you might choose Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, where you will need to create a character […]


Preventing Workplace Violence Paper details: Nursing Unit Challenge Project: Topic preventing workplace Violence in a Psychiatric hospital. In this assignment, preventing workplace Violence in a Psychiatric hospital. You will be charged with creatively addressing a challenge in an ideal practice environment which can then be applied across different types of nursing units and settings. The […]

Teach-back Method, Pain & HCAHPS

Topic of Paper: Can the implementation of a multifaceted, 4 week (28 day) pain management protocol pilot improve Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) pain scores in adult patients hospitalized in the Progressive Care Unit (PCU) at ******* Hospital compared to no pain management protocol usage? Paper Must Include the Following Two […]

Global environmental health. Focus on the water quality in other areas of the world

1. Discuss the background of the selected health topic, research findings, nursing implications and student implications (what does this information mean to nurses/students and how may it change their education/practice). 2. Discuss how the article ties into the lecture topic and textbook readings. Find at least two other research articles that support the findings and […]

Case management Outcomes Improvement

Order Description Select a clinical practice guideline used within a micro system (prefer within your work arena). Observe the procedure/process involving the clinical practice guideline. Identify if a variance existed between observed practice and protocol? Could this variance be labeled a safety issue or a near miss? Post this finding. If a variance existed, did […]

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