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Lack of Adherence to Medications

Part 1: Define medication nonadherence. Identify the health disorder or disease selected as a basis for this paper. Discuss the extent of medication nonadherence for the chosen health disorder or disease. Identify the medication regimen required to manage the disease. Include the drug categories, one (1) example of each medication in the category, and the […]

Cultural Competence

Define culturally competent nursing care. Support the definition with a professional literature citation. Identify four (4) guidelines the registered professional nurse may use to enhance the ability to provide culturally competent nursing care. Provide one example the culturally competent nurse applies to each of the four (4) selected guidelines. At least one example must address […]

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)

The event to address: A 43 years old patient was hospitalized once 15 days ago. He had a transmetatarsal amputation of the left foot secondary to diabetes mellitus type 1 and cellulites six month ago, he is not aware of how complicated his condition is and the possible complications that he could have. The patient […]

Lack of Adherence to Medications

Most chronic diseases require long term use of prescribed medications. Medication non-adherence is a long-standing major concern when assisting patients with the management of a chronic disease. Write a six (6) to ten (10) page paper (excludes cover and reference page) that addresses medication nonadherence. The paper consists of two (2) parts and must be […]

The Health Care System of the U. S.

After reading Chapter 14 and reviewing information at, respond to the following questions: How does Medicare work? What are the basic programs offered through Medicare? How does Medicaid work? What are the basic services offered through Medicaid? Make sure you spell check, proofread, and include in-text citations and a reference listing if you use […]

“The art, science and ethics of midwifery”

Midwifery is said to be a discipline that uses the hands, the mind and the heart. Research this topic and discuss this statement in relation to working with women in childbearing. Use a range of academic literature (books and journal articles) to support your argument. A minimum of 15 references is required from 2008 onwards. […]


Develop and thoroughly analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally local (which is NE Indiana), state, national, or international). To do this, you will reflect on several aspects of being a policy maker within the nursing position. A few things […]

Educating Staff: Implementing Change

Paper details From the Design for Change Proposal you are currently working on, create a power point presentation to educate staff, implementing change. See attached file for directions on what to include in the slides. Capstone Project Milestone #3: Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to create theEducating Staff: […]

Formal observation verses therapeutic engagement in the self-harming psychiatric inpatient.

Paper details: Locate a total of five research databases or collections related to your topic. Each research database description is worth 30 points. You may search for these in various locations, e.g., the Internet, an intranet at work, print publications, etc. You may NOT choose the databases that are already familiar to you – MEDLINE, […]

Depth psychology Image /dream research paper

Order Description Two-Page Image/Dream Research Paper. Using EBSCO PSYCINFO and other library databases research an image from a dream of personal interest. You may also choose an animal image and amplify its symbology. Explore and deepen possible meaning as it may relate to you or the collective. Your paper should have at least two sources […]

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